Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series)

Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series) by Aury Dobsyn Page B

Book: Plead Forgiveness: Betrayed Twice (Loyalty Series) by Aury Dobsyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aury Dobsyn
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of her body came into view. Her flawlessly curved derriere
teased while it simultaneously beckoned him.
    Noticing Gavin’s
intense look, she asked, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
    “Like what? I only
reciprocate yer action moments ago,” he stated with a husky, seductive voice.
    “I was not staring
at you,” Ella exclaimed as she plopped down on a boulder and danged her feet
into the water. “Well mayhap a little, but that’s only because I have never
seen a . . . a . . . naked man before.”
    “At least there is
truth to that admission, and I will make one of my own.”
    With the grace of
a predator stalking its prey he moved towards her, then took her small feet
into his hands, and began to rub the arches with his thumbs.
    “I stare at ye
because I want ye more than I have ever wanted a woman afore.”
    His hands slid up
her calves to her knees as he slowly position his body between her legs. When
his large palms covered her hips, he said in a deep voice, “The verra sight of
ye intoxicates me with the desire to touch, taste and kiss yer delectable body.
I burn to have ye in my arms, to stoke ye as I would a fire, until yer heat
equals my own. I want to be inside ye, until ye surrender into euphoric
    The smoldering
flame Ella saw in his eyes, coupled with his powerfully sensual words, sent a
heated shiver racing through her body. Her personal battle of restraint was
lost when she felt the warmth of his palms cupping her face, his thumbs
stroking her cheeks. His kiss was an awakening experience that left her
reeling, but clinging for more. He tilted her head to deepen the kiss,
catapulting her to a place beyond logic and reason.
    The hunger of his
kiss shattered her serenity. Her willpower to rebuff his tender assault
disappeared. She succumbed to the force of his lips, savoring every moment
until her fervor matched his.
    Her hands were
ravenous as they explored his muscular chest and broad shoulders. She suddenly
felt his hands drift down the contours of her body to grip with possessiveness
her bottom. He reeled her in so that his arousal pressed to the core of her
    Remembering the
searing pain she felt the eve of their wedding, she pushed him away with
surprising strength. Quickly scrambling to her feet, she raced over to the mare
and vaulted on her back. Eager to be away, she never looked back and did not
see the dejection and overwhelming pain in his eyes.
    Gavin’s raging
desire destroyed his normal control. In his haste to claim her, he failed to
recall the pain she endured on their wedding night. Instant regret prevented
him from giving chase.
    Emerging from the
loch, he cursed his impatience. He then dressed and saddled his horse. For a
moment, he stared down at the saddle Ella had not bothered with in her mad
flight to keep him at a distance.
    At a sedate pace,
he set off for home, reminding himself to send someone for the discarded
    His thoughts then
focused on Ella and gaining her trust. He desperately wanted to abolish the
pain she burden herself with for the past eight years. He also wanted her in
his bed, but only if willing and eager.

    Darkening clouds
had gathered overhead when Ella arrived back at the castle just after the noon
hour. Lady Esme had greeted her, and by the older woman’s anxious expression,
she knew immediately something was amiss.
    “Ye must come
quick. Rachel has gone into labor and our midwife has sent word that she canna
leave the Mackenzie holding.”
    Rushing over to
her mother-in-law, she grabbed her satchel, then set off at a brisk pace for
Rachel’s cottage.
    “When did her
labor pains begin?”
    “Last eve,” Lady
Esme stated, trying to keep pace with the healer.
    Halting abruptly,
Ella asked, “Why wasn't I informed?”
    “Rachel knew ye
were in mourning. She dinna wish to bother ye since we had already sent for the
    Ella started
sprinting towards the village, her fear so great that nothing else

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