Playing in Shadow

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Book: Playing in Shadow by Lesley Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lesley Davis
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swearing unnecessarily” rule that was now in play. Trent grinned over at Juliet in contrition. “I’m really liking the current name we’re calling the baby though.”
    Juliet huffed at her. “ We are not calling the baby anything. That particular name is all your fault, and I am not calling my child that !” She ran a hand over her stomach protectively. “I knew you should have stayed at home on the last hospital visit.”
    Monica looked between Juliet and Trent, waiting for more. “Come on, spill. What’s the name? I know for a fact you two haven’t gone the cutesy route and haven’t been calling the fetus ‘peanut’ while it’s been growing.”
    Trent never broke her gaze from Juliet. “Newt,” she said with a smile.
    Juliet grumbled under her breath. “That damned video the nurse showed us has a lot to answer for.” She groaned as Trent ahem-ed and pointed to the jar. Juliet deliberately turned away to direct her attention to Monica, ignoring the so-called other adults in the room. “It was to prepare parents-to-be in case of a cesarean birth.”
    Monica looked puzzled, but Elton guffawed out loud. He began to dramatically writhe in pain, clutching at his chest. He then shoved his hand up his shirt, punching through the gap between buttons, pretending it was an alien complete with gnashing teeth.
    “Chest burster!” He and Trent burst into fits of laughter.
    Juliet sighed. “That’s pretty much what Trent did in class and nearly got us ejected from the screening room.” She had to smile as Trent and Elton were now in hysterics at Elton’s antics. “So, to Trent, the baby has been Newt ever since.”
    Monica frowned at Elton’s silliness. “Newt’s not exactly what I expect to be monogramming into the kid’s clothes when he or she goes to kindergarten.”
    “It’ll do for now until we can pick a name we both agree on,” Trent said, wiping at her eyes and grinning over at Juliet unrepentantly.
    “At least the middle name is sorted. Mom and Dad started a family tradition of always having Grandma’s maiden name as a second name. We just need to pick a first name that Trent doesn’t think is too normal and I don’t think is too outlandish.”
    “She even said no to Chun-Li,” Trent said mournfully.
    Hanging his head in commiseration, Elton finally removed his hand from inside his shirt. He picked up his beer bottle instead. “Bummer, dude.” He took a long drink. “Hey, how about Thor?”
    They both looked over at Juliet who gave them her patented look.
    “Guess not,” Elton muttered, cowering a little.
    “Newt it is then.” Trent winked at Juliet who just shook her head at her with an indulgent smile.


    Bryce had agonized over what to wear but had finally decided on a pair of dark blue chinos and a sky blue shirt. She had gathered up her wallet on the way out and checked herself in the mirror one last time. She looked thinner than before. The shadows under her eyes still blatantly broadcast the fact she wasn’t sleeping. Critically, her eyes swept over the scar before she hid it under the cap. She smiled a little remembering Kayleigh’s fascination in its apparent “coolness” to the young girl. A badge of honor. Bryce didn’t feel there was much honor being the only survivor in a car she shouldn’t have been a passenger in anyway. She brushed aside the thought and fought not to let the morose thoughts spoil the ripple of anticipation that was thrumming through her body. For the first time in a long time, she actually felt alive.
    The bus journey was short, which suited Bryce fine because she was eager to get the night started. Scarlet had been very attentive over the lunch break they had shared together and had unashamedly called Bryce out on purposely dodging her the past week. Scarlet had known why too.
    “So I found you asleep. Big deal. All I could think of was how sweet you looked and how I wouldn’t mind being able to see that look on your face from the comfort

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