Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5)

Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5) by Kate Donovan Page B

Book: Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5) by Kate Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Donovan
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with a smile, “You should stay for dinner.”
    “I would, but I’m anxious to get started on
the article. I do have a final question if you don’t mind.”
    “Ask away.”
    “We all knew your father disapproved of
athletes doing product promo. So how did he react? And did you
agonize over the decision because you were afraid he’d
    “I’m a fairly decisive person,” the QB said
wryly. “Mostly from necessity. So I didn’t really hesitate. I had
to taste the product, obviously, but I wanted to get on Erica’s
good side, and I bought into her pitch—that it was good for the
game. For young guys who needed to learn how to treat women, and
for young girls, so they’d know they deserved respect.”
    Tess sighed, remembering the impact the spot
had had. “So how did Coach Spurling take it?”
    “I figured I’d get an earful, but Erica was
in the picture, so that helped. And he seemed to appreciate the
message too. So it went better than expected.”
    “How did your brother react? Was he
    Johnny chuckled. “Nothing shocks my little
brother. He’s the most laid-back guy you’ll ever meet.”
    “Even more so than Sean Decker?”
    “Good question.” He pursed his lips. “It’s a
different sort of relaxed. More like Bam Bannerman.”
    “And you’re their fearless leader. Very
cool.” She gave him an efficient smile. “Back to product
    “Can I say something first?”
    She nodded.
    “I’m the leader on the field. Again by
necessity. But off the field? I’d like to think I’m just a good
friend. A good brother. They defer to me out of habit, but I rely
on them a lot. Deck for his advice, Bannerman for an opposing
worldview. I am where I am today because of those guys. And I have
Erica to thank for that, because she stepped in when the friendship
got rocky. Now it’s solid forever.”
    “Well, you can be my leader any time.
On or off the field.”
    He chuckled. “Does this mean the interview is
    She laughed too. “Just one more question if
you don’t mind.”
    “What would you do if the quality of Lager
Storm went downhill in the future? Or if one of their owners
engaged in questionable behavior?”
    “If the quality went south I’d step away,” he
said firmly. “But bad behavior? I’d step away for that too, but if
it was really egregious? I might not have the luxury of a quiet
departure. I mean . . .” His temper flared. “I endorsed it.
Put the family name on it. Put my name on it. So yeah, I
might have to make a public statement.” Wincing, he added, “Good
question, Tess.”
    “And it’s a good answer. I won’t use it
directly though. It’s just a sense I want the reader to have. That
you take it seriously. Because like you said, you put your name on
it.” She flashed a grateful smile. “I guess that’s it. I might have
some follow-up questions about your dad—”
    “Do you want to talk to him? I could set that
    She stared in grateful amazement. “He’s the
missing link in your story, so yes. I’d love that.”
    “Consider it done. Anything else?”
    She quirked a hopeful eyebrow. “Can you
explain why Patrick Murphy wants me to interview Noah Cunningham?
What good can come of it?”
    “Yeah, that one’s a mystery. I can ask
    “No, don’t do that. I’ll talk to him myself.
I just hoped you had some insight.”
    He shook his head. “It feels like a mistake,
frankly. Why re-open that wound?”
    “Right? But please don’t talk to Mr.
Murphy on my behalf. I need to figure this out on my own.”
    His blue eyes narrowed. “You can always say
‘no’ to Murf. He acts like he’s the puppet master, and we all fall
for it. Even me after all these years. But he’s not in
charge of your article. Or your career.”
    “Stop trying to get me into bed,” she scolded
him playfully.
    “Yeah, I made a vow to Erica, right?” he said
with mock sincerity. “Who knew?”
    She giggled. “I’d

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