Playboy Doctor
you pull that off?"
    "When you grow up poor, you have nothing but each other. And your dreams. We'd made a pact. We'd all get through med school or none of us would. We saw to it to that we succeeded."
    "That's some determination."
    "Hunger does that you."
    A quiet settled between them.
    "I'm sorry."
    "We turned out okay enough." Shayne cracked a smile.
    For a fleeting moment, his thoughts stole back to an earlier, happier time when he and his brothers had vowed to take on the world together. All for one. And one for all.
    A lifetime ago.
    Shayne regarded the woman who stood before him. Willow didn't press for any more. A good thing since he'd given what little he could already. She was the last person he wanted knowing about the troubles of his family being torn apart by a woman's betrayal.
    Would Willow ever do such a thing? An inner voice told him no, but he'd didn't know if he could trust it.
    "Anything I can do to help?" Willow tilted her head just so. Bright sun blades piercing through the room reflected in those intense irises of hers. He'd never seen a more wanton sight.
    His chest filled with longing and he reached out to grip her arms. She leaned into him, her breath escaping in a raspy gasp. Her body language offered an open invitation and he set his lips on hers in a fervent kiss.
    Possessively, he kissed her hard. The painful events in his life that led to this minute were all too surreal. But with Willow in his arms, his life here became real. Her physical warmth, her response to his desire, even her breathy words had filled his world and he'd quickly grown addicted. Even more, her care and trust had filled his heart.
    After another crushing kiss, he whispered her name, Willow . And she whispered back, yes . Her breasts pressed against his chest, her feminine form fitting him perfectly. No kiss should be so sweet, no body so pliant, because it only deepened his craving for her.
    But the craving went beyond the physical. His need for her became emotional. A need to explore this delicate bond with her, to be one with her, and be sure it was true. To fill an empty void he thought could be filled by no woman. That was, until her.
    Somehow his head connected with his heart and for the first time, in a very long time, he felt his own mortality in his need for her.
    Simply kissing Willow would never be enough. He wanted her all to himself—wanted to lay claim to every inch of her, right down to her very body and soul—
    A voice bellowed a hello through the front door left open to allow in fresh air.
    Shayne shot back to reality. Willow broke from his kiss and stared at him in surprise. He didn't know if he should explain himself or simply apologize for his bold action.
    The moment between them cooled. Willow visibly stiffened. "My landlord's at the door."
    The male voice repeated his hello into the home.
    She pulled from Shayne's embrace and loped toward the entrance.
    Shayne hung back to collect himself, startled by his skyrocketing response to her. In the background, he heard Willow's cheery voice, beckoning the visitor. Once composed, he turned to join them.
    Willow stood beside the elderly gentleman and made the formal introductions.
    After shaking hands with Shayne, Mr. Langdon glanced about the bungalow. "I saw you two come up to the place. I thought I'd come by and check up on you."
    "Pipes are holding up well," Shayne announced. "Other than that, some patching here and there and this place will be as good as new."
    Mr. Langdon nodded, satisfied with the report. "I'll take care of those other minor repairs, Willow. I'm not as quick on my feet these days. Been a little tired, but it will get done."
    "I'd be happy to help anyway I can," Shayne offered.
    He felt Willow's stunned eyes on him. He didn't return the look. Didn't want to face her mounting frustration with him—he'd pushed hard enough as it was to come here today. Perhaps his offer crossed the line, some emotional boundary she'd set for him. He didn't

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