Play Dirty #2
of their time together, entwined between his sheets and layered with lips and intimate touches, wash over him and cause him to go erect while she went immediately damp?
    A giggle, a vicious giggle, from the mouth of Aria Levens, broke through her thoughts and shook Lynn back into the real world.
    “I’ll keep this until the end of class.” Matthew held up her phone, cool indifference radiating from him. “No phones during class. That’s what your seven minutes between periods is for.”
    “Karma,” Aria coughed loudly.
    Lynn felt herself flaming bright red, desperately needing to touch herself while reliving sexy memories, and in equal desperation, needing to punch Aria in the goddamn nose. Having that uppity plastic surgeon daddy of hers came in handy sometimes, like when she needed to know how much Aria’s nose job cost and what it would be like to repair. Lynn felt dangerous and angry.
    He didn’t even acknowledge her. Not an ounce of recognition flowed between them, his eyes only filled with the rigidity of a teacher abiding by the class rules and the cruel distance of someone who had no idea who she was. Even as he resumed class roll, Madelynn Viggiani didn’t break from his lips any different than Matthew Lewis or Bradley Smith .
    He was her teacher, no longer her lover. No longer the man with impeccable muscles and a crooked, thirsty smile before he licked between her legs or groaned as she swallowed his cock. He was ready to give her acting lessons instead of heady sex.
    Oh good god. She had fucked her teacher.
    Lynn swallowed a moan and tried to catch his attention, anything to get him to break this crystal exterior and admit he knew her, admit their time together wasn’t just one more notch on his bedroom door. Matthew had been falling all over her until…
    Her stomach dropped. Until she lied about her age. Now twice. And he knew. No wonder he wouldn’t look her in the eye.
    “The fall production this year will be a classic: Romeo and Juliet .” Matthew tidied the papers he’d just reviewed, the syllabus or something, information that evaded her while she tried to get him to remember her.
    Her heart stopped. Romeo and Juliet? Lynn’s body was a live wire, seconds from snapping into a small burst of euphoric pleasure. When she was riding him, his hands greedily claiming her body, he called her his Juliet.
    Was this a sign? Was this production for her? She squeezed her legs together and gasped quietly at the shock that went straight to her cunt. If he heard her, he didn’t show it. This had to mean he was thinking of her, this teacher of hers, picturing her naked as he picked the newest play to direct.
    My Juliet. He had to remember her. He had to have known she would be in his class. This couldn’t be anything other than a love letter to her. It had to be.
    If she could, she would throw her legs wide open and fuck herself with him watching. She would touch herself until he couldn’t bear to keep the distance between them any longer, and he succumbed to her sex.
    “Shake all preconceived notions of this love story from your membranes, kids.” Matthew leaned against his podium in a casual way. The way his arms rippled under his shirt had Lynn chewing on her lip.
    “This story is a tragedy, but not in the star-crossed lovers sense. Auditions will be next week. Leading up to then, we’re going to uncover the real meaning behind this deadly three-day love affair, and I want you all to keep that in mind for your auditions. Yes, Miss Levens?”
    Tragedy? But it was always taught as a love story, one of going the distance, up until the very end, to be with the one you loved. Lynn felt dizzy from the directions he was pulling her in. She just needed to talk to him. Alone.
    “Historically, the leads have private rehearsals with the director. Since you’re new here, Mr. Flint, is it your intention to continue this practice?” Aria’s voice was syrupy sweet. Lynn snuck a glance and watched her arch

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