Pivotal Moments (In Time #1)

Pivotal Moments (In Time #1) by Trinity Hanrahan Page A

Book: Pivotal Moments (In Time #1) by Trinity Hanrahan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Hanrahan
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fanned across my face.
    At his chuckle, I narrowed my eyes at him. He was watching me with gentle amusement, and at my reaction, he grinned even larger. Was he making me blush intentionally?
    The grin faded, and he studied me for another endless moment before turning and heading back to his room. At his doorway, he paused and turned ever so slightly to look at me out of the corner of his eye.
    “Hey, Aislinn?” he called to me.
    “Yeah?” I answered.
    “Sweet dreams.”
    A shudder swept through me. His voice was like a caress. Sleep? Yeah, right. Not happening tonight.
    “Asshole,” I muttered.
    A bark of laughter signaled he’d heard as he closed his door. I met Zver’s adoring gaze and grimaced. “It’s going to be a long night, buddy.”

    Chapter 8
    Sunday was a day for sleeping in. So why was sunlight streaming through the windows, attempting to blind me? It was much too early to be awake on a weekend. Especially after yesterday. Sleeping until it was time for school tomorrow sounded like a great plan. I groaned, rolled over, and pulled the covers over my head.
    I was just about to drift off again when a soft knock sounded on my door. I clung to the threads of unconsciousness desperately, but the knocking sounded again. The threads were beginning to slip between my fingers, never to be recovered.
    “Go away!” I grumbled. What part of too early didn’t people understand?
    The knock came again.
    “God, leave me alone!” The tendrils were vanishing at an alarming rate. “I’m trying to sleep!”
    The door cracked open and that did it. I sat up, threw my blankets down, grabbed a pillow, and hurled it at the door. “Go the hell away! I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to be awake. I just want to freaking sleep!”
    “Uh, Aislinn?”
    Was this really happening to me? I groaned aloud when the answer came back as a resounding yes. I couldn’t catch a break at any point!
    Teagan had snagged my pillow from midair and grinned as he walked over to my bed. Stopping at the side, he gently tossed my missile back where it belonged. His eyes roamed over me and an even bigger grin stretched across his face.
    My eyes narrowed. “What?” I grumbled.
    He chuckled. “I just wanted my dog back.”
    Zver was still there on my rug, sound asleep. He was lying on his back, legs stretched straight up like road kill. Any other time, it would have been funny.
    “You woke me up for that?” I glared at him. “You could have just opened the door and called him out, you know.”
    Teagan nodded. “I know.” The grin stretched wider. It had to have been bordering on painful at that point. “But then I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of witnessing your morning sunshine self.”
    I growled low. Now was not the time to mess with me. Lying back, I pulled the covers back over my head, snuggling away from him and the sunshine and everything else that didn’t respect a person’s need to sleep.
    But before I could work myself into a first-class pout fest, Teagan’s footsteps moved around the room and something rustled. Curious, I popped my head out from under the covers. It was now considerably darker, and as Teagan was pulling the curtains shut on my last window, he turned and flashed me a cheeky grin. That done, he wandered around the room, examining the various memorabilia. He paused at a picture of my six-year-old self sitting on my father’s shoulders at our last vacation together.
    He picked it up to study it. “Your dad?” I nodded, not saying anything. He observed me for a second, then placed the picture back and picked up one of Mom and Dad on their wedding day. As his eyes skimmed over it, he smiled.
    “Connor never talks about them,” I whispered and he looked up to meet my gaze. “I think he’s angry.” He raised an eyebrow, and sighing, I rolled over onto my back and rubbed my forehead. Then, finding the words I wanted, I rolled my head and locked my gaze with his.

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