Phoenix Rising (Dragon Legacy)

Phoenix Rising (Dragon Legacy) by Previn Hudetz Page B

Book: Phoenix Rising (Dragon Legacy) by Previn Hudetz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Previn Hudetz
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woke up real quick, apologizing profusely, and she let him feel guilty about the gaffe. Reasonable, she thought. Even better, in an effort to make it up to her, he went off to find the food himself, and ended up bringing some back for her. As well as a bottle of water. She accepted everything he offered graciously, and smiled to herself with satisfaction as she took a delicate bite of her nutrient bar. Sweet, like the taste of victory.
    In an abbey set high in the mountains, a solid-looking man sat with eyes closed in meditation, breathing a deep and slow mantra as he listened to the rhythm of the world beneath him. Rama Gaddion knew there were many changes afoot in the universe, but was currently more interested in perfecting his spiritual attunement than diving into a storm of political intrigue. He was focusing on establishing a waking connection with the merkabic guardian whom he believed resided deep within this planet's core. Or perhaps it was more of an essence, and he needed to be open to that possibility as well. Yes...
    There, he definitely felt something at the edge of his awareness, gently tugging at his attention. Perhaps, finally, he had managed to communicate with the great guardian he had sought for so many-
    “Daddy,” a little voice interrupted his meditation.
    Rama cracked open an eye with a puckered sideways smile, and closed his eyes again. He laughed, and it was a sound both rich and warm. It was his daughter, Nya. The merkabic deity would simply have to wait, it seemed. He let out a deep breath and nodded, then opened his deep brown eyes. His daughter stood directly in front of him, and upon seeing he was clearly awake, giggled and jumped on his lap, knocking the wind out of him. “Oof,” he heard come out of his mouth.
    Nya looked up at him thoughtfully, already wise beyond her three years of age. “Daddy,” she asked, “what were you doing before?”
    He laughed and brought her to his chest in a gentle hug, kissing her forehead. “Sweetie, daddy was meditating.”
    She didn't object so much to the idea of meditation, it seemed, as to the fact that it meant he wasn't paying attention to her while he did it. Rama knew this, and decided he'd done as much as he could today, anyway. He looked at his daughter, her curly brown hair and mocha complexion reminding him of her mother. She would be a heartbreaker someday...Suddenly he felt his protective instincts kick in. It amazed him how quickly those parental instincts could well up. He smiled.
    “Mommy said you were talking to the ground again,” Nya said, clearly weighing the possibility. Rama raised an eyebrow.
    “Well, what would you say?” he asked.
    She smiled. “I say you talk to the ground,” she giggled.
    Perhaps she was right, but...No, Rama was certain that there was something here. Something ancient and advanced. It called to him in his dreams, so he knew it was real, even if it was difficult to commune with while he was awake. Someday, though, perhaps it would respond to him and reveal its many long-forgotten mysteries of spiritual mastery...
    Nya was looking at him expectantly, and he spoke. “Well, perhaps it's less that I can't speak to the world, and more that I can't hear what the world is telling me,” he suggested.
    She laughed. “Daddy, you're funny!” Then she hugged him tight, laughed again and ran into the next room screaming as children do, eliciting an admonition from her mother to be careful while she was cooking.
    Ah, had Rama been so fortunate to find such an amazing woman? As the scent of dinner caught his nose, he felt himself thankful yet again as he was beckoned by a force stronger than anything he was feeling from deep in the earth. Hunger, he chuckled. So, he rose to his feet and stretched for a moment, then headed into the other room to join his wife and daughter at the table.
    Perhaps Raya would be able to offer some insights about the sacred merkabic guardian over dinner. Rama would have to

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