Phantom Universe
both stiffen, their palms sweaty as they hold hands.
    “ Summer? Jaden? It’s Gage . . . I won’t hurt you.” His voice is a mere whisper in the darkness. “I know you’re there.”
    In the distance someone shouts, “Found them!”
    “ Please, come with me,” Gage insists quietly. “I’ll protect you, I promise.”
    She can’t help but believe him—he’s defended them every step of the way. Suddenly his hand thrusts between the brush, and he holds it out for her to take. She places her hand in his hesitantly.
    There’s a scream and loud chuckling from far away. She jerks her hand away, but Gage grabs hold before she can.
    “ I think that possum about took your fingers off,” Bruce roars joyously. Another howl of laughter is followed by an angry growl.
    “ Trust me,” Gage says to the girls.
    Jaden helps push Summer through the brush while Gage pulls her forward. She stumbles right into his chest, and he wraps an arm around her automatically. She steps away hastily as he reaches to help Jaden.
    “ Follow me,” he says and starts to walk away.
    They don’t move, unsure what to do. Plus, she is out of breath, aching all over, and is using all of her energy just to stand again. The last sprint took everything out of her.
    “ Do you want to go?” Jaden whispers in her hear. She nods.
    Gage realizes they aren’t moving and turns. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs.
    “ She can barely stand,” explains Jaden inaudibly.
    He makes his way back, picks Summer up, and cradles her in his arms. She encircles his neck for support and feels a backpack’s straps around his shoulders. “Right pocket there’s an external pair of heat vision glasses,” he tells Jaden who then reaches for them. “Follow closely behind me.”
    They begin to move swiftly through the trees, and Jaden pops up next to him. “Why are you helping us?” Her voice is barely audible.
    “ It’s not right . . . I’ll explain later.”
    “ Right. Of course.” Jaden falls behind him as the area grows dense with underbrush.
    Branches scratch Summer’s face and drag along her skin with their spindly tendrils. She unhooks her arms from his neck and pulls them into her body to protect herself. Gage’s breath is heavy with exertion and warm in her hair. His nose touches her head, and she hears him whisper, “I’m sorry,” before he pulls away. They step into an opening that glows under the moon and stars. It’s sandy like the desert and standing only fifty feet away is the outline of a person.
    “ Cameron,” Gage greets the silhouette.
    “ What’s going on?” Jaden asks impatiently.
    “ Not now,” he tells her. “We still need to find a place to hide.”
    “ I’ve lost them, but we need to hurry,” Cameron says hastily. “I’ve called for a transport, but all I receive is static in return. I tried to contact my family to find out what’s happening, but the same thing happens. Did you try?”
    “ Yes, same result.”
    “ Good. At least we know they are out of contact too. This will give us an advantage. Let’s seek cover before they figure out what’s going on.” She gestures under the night sky for them to follow. “There’s a waterfall only half a mile away, and according to my map there’s a cave entrance behind it.”
    “ Yes, I see it too,” he says. “It’s perfect—it’ll conceal our body heat.”
    Summer places a hand over his heart, and he glances down in curiosity. Even in the darkness his eyes entrap her. He’s not paying attention to where he’s walking as he gazes into her eyes. His arms squeeze her closer to him. “It’s going to be all right. I promise.” What she really wanted to know is how he sees this waterfall.
    She lets out a long breath and relaxes her head against his chest, listening to his hammering heart. She’s amazed by his heart, certainly, but more than anything she’s captivated by his selflessness. In her world this is unheard of. She can’t help but reach out to him and

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