
Personae by Sergio De La Pava Page A

Book: Personae by Sergio De La Pava Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sergio De La Pava
Tags: Fiction, General
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    LINDA: Let’s just be wary is what I’m saying.
    NESTOR: That’s all I’m saying.
    CLARISSA: Believe you’ve said quite a bit more than that but okay I’ll be weary.
    LINDA: No wary .
    CLARISSA: That too.
    ( The power goes out plunging our three into grievous black. A few seconds later it returns .)
    LINDA: That was fun. Does anybody else almost enjoy electrifying terror?
    NESTOR: You’re only enjoying it after the fact.
    CLARISSA: Is it me or has this room gotten smaller?
    ( it has )
    LINDA: What’s going on out there?
    ( Nestor goes to the telescope, the Drums kick up again but with a slightly different, more urgent pattern. )
    NESTOR: He’s coming back, something’s in his hand. I think it’s a scepter.
    CLARISSA: ( derisively ) A scepter? Obviously it’s a spear.
    NESTOR: Spear? Where’d you get that?
    CLARISSA: I got that from his statement that he was going to get a spear, a spear to protect us with. In other words he was telling the truth.
    LINDA: Exactly.
    NESTOR: I don’t like it. I don’t like the look in his eye, I don’t like this new drum pattern, I don’t like any of it.
    LINDA: Will you stop? Your paranoia is really wearing.
    NESTOR: I’m only wearing paranoia if I’m wrong, ( he takes hold of the gun and cocks it ) and I’m not going to wait and find out.
    CLARISSA: What do you mean?
    NESTOR: I mean that he walks in here with a scepter or a spear, basically anything other than a giant salami, and I’m going to put one between his eyes and we can sort it all out later.
    CLARISSA: Absolutely not! Have you lost control of your faculties?
    NESTOR: What? I should wait until he impales one of you to be absolutely sure?
    LINDA: You need more… evidence.
    NESTOR: Could it be more evident?
    CLARISSA: He said he was going to get a spear and that he would return. If he returns and is carrying a spear where’s the inconsistency? Where’s the justification for shooting him?
    NESTOR: How do you justify speaking of justification in a place like this?
    CLARISSA: This place is what we’ve made it, only that, and the Just don’t frivolously conform to location.
    LINDA: And if you think this place is bad now realize that if you capriciously spill blood onto it then this becomes a bloody place. One that won’t stop crying out for more of what it’s tasted until it becomes an unquenchable want.
    NESTOR: The memories on you two, remarkable.
    ( He goes to the telescope. )
    He’s almost here, still can’t tell between scepter or spear. You two can continue to rely on theoretical debate and its retorts, I’m going to keep my faith in gunpowder plus lead and its reports.
    CLARISSA: That’s just it. It’s not theoretical. We’re telling you that we’re not going to allow you to kill one of our friends as he’s in the process of trying to rescue us. How much blunter can we be?
    NESTOR: Don’t make this a we problem Clarissa, ( raising the gun slightly ) this thing’s for between Adam’s eyes only but I will torch this entire place before naively receiving even a minor burn from him.
    CLARISSA: Any bullet seeking him will of necessity have to travel through me.
    ( She stands between Nestor and the area Adam exited from . Nestor lowers the gun to his side. The Drums resume, they are close. Nestor raises the gun again. )
    NESTOR: If that’s the only course it can travel so be it.
    LINDA: Stop! Wait will you? ( she moves between them ) I’m going to go out and meet him.
    NESTOR: Don’t do that.
    LINDA: I know him best. I’ll bring up your concerns, our concerns , feel him out. If everything’s fine we’ll come back together, if not we’ll know that as well and you’ll have the satisfaction of having been right to enjoy in your final moments.
    NESTOR: I can’t allow that.
    LINDA: It’s almost lovely of you Nestor to think

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