Pawn Of The Planewalker (Book 5)

Pawn Of The Planewalker (Book 5) by Ron Collins Page B

Book: Pawn Of The Planewalker (Book 5) by Ron Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Collins
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protect him from penalties in a formal inquiry. Leaving the sword with Garrick had been a particularly egregious breech of etiquette, and would not play well with Joint Authority—but she hadn’t specifically mentioned the weapon, so perhaps he had gotten away with that small portion of his gambit. And at least Garrick had destroyed the robe. That would speak well for him.
    Regardless, it had been worth it just to feel her anger. Nothing was better than setting a radical on her edge.
    He settled back and let tendrils drift into the flow.
    With Hezarin on the warpath he would have to be careful, but things were moving along nicely. Garrick’s acceptance of his lot would help, and he had several other tricks at his command that might well cause his siblings in Existence to take note later rather than sooner.
    Yes, he thought. It had been worth it just to feel Hezarin’s anger, but he had plans.
    Much bigger plans.

    * * * * *

    This is the end of
Pawn of the Planewalker
, but the story of Garrick, Braxidane, and the struggle between the orders continues in
Changing of the Guard
, due to be published January of 2015!

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    The Saga of the God-Touched Mage includes:
    Glamour of the God-Touched
    Trail of the Torean
    Target of the Orders
    Gathering of the God-Touched
    Pawn of the Planewalker
    Changing of the Guard
    Lord of the Freeborn
    Lords of Existence


    The robe was gone. Garrick felt that truth before he was fully awake.
    He was back in his bed chamber. Back in Dorfort’s government center. He smelled the aroma of Blue Lake and heard sounds of a city working its day. He rose to one elbow and glanced around the room. He was lying on the mattress, his chest bare, his pants Torean black.
    The robe was most definitely gone.
    He stood and went to the window.
    It was early morning. The lake was calm, a calm before the storm, Garrick thought. People milled about the city with only their own simple concerns about them. Garrick could not help but grimace at his strange mix of emotions. The human experience was so isolated. He missed the sense of connection he had in Existence. Yet, he still felt embarrassed of his attempts to trivialize what these people were feeling as they went about their lives.
    He thought of Alistair and wondered what his past superior would think of him now. The question left him feeling bittersweet. He was a man. A grown man. A full mage, and more.
    He was surprised to think of himself in this fashion.
    A grown man.
    He felt the full weight of what that meant now.
    Garrick sighed, realizing he was hungry.
    He had to get the Freeborn together. He had to stretch them. Perhaps, he thought, he had to bring all of the plane’s mages under one hand. He had seen what could one day be coming. The mages of Adruin needed to be a single entity, working together if the plane was to survive.
    Yes, he had much work to do.
    Garrick turned from the window and strode to his closets to pick out a shirt.
    “Will!” he called. “Come help me prepare for the day.”

    * * * * *

    This is the end of
Pawn of the Planewalker
, but the story of Garrick, Braxidane, and the struggle between the orders continues in
Changing of the Guard
, due to be published January of 2015!

    Available at:

    Full Amazon Profile
    Full Smashwords Profile
    Search Kobo
    Search Nook Book

    Subscribe to Ron's Ramblings to be the first to hear about new publications!(*)
    (*) We promise not to spam you with anything beyond information regarding Ron's work!

    The Saga of the God-Touched Mage includes:
    Glamour of the God-Touched
    Trail of the Torean
    Target of the Orders
    Gathering of the God-Touched
    Pawn of the Planewalker
    Changing of the Guard
    Lord of the Freeborn
    Lords of

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