Parthian Vengeance
    ‘Anyway,’ continued Domitus, ‘Byrd and Malik are across the river with their scouts just to make sure we don’t have any nasty surprises.’
    I doubted that. Directly opposite the bridges was Hatran territory, patrolled and garrisoned by detachments of my father’s army.
    Domitus continued. ‘Orodes and the rest of the horsemen are waiting until my boys are over, then they will cross. It will be a while yet, though.’
    I looked at Surena. ‘You and I will ride over to the other side and see if we can catch up with Byrd and Malik. Bring a score of your men along. Vagharsh, you stay here with the rest and join Orodes when he crosses over.’
    Vagharsh nodded. Surena ordered the first twenty men behind us to follow him as we walked our horses to the first bridge. The officers halted the legionaries marching onto the bridge to give us passage to the other side. And so, wrapped in our white cloaks for the chill and mist showed no signs of abating, we cantered over the bridge and into my father’s kingdom and headed south, riding parallel to the great column of marching soldiers.
    Two hours after I had left the Citadel the mist finally began to clear from the river. Orodes had brought over the cavalry and now parties of horse archers were sent into the east to cover our left flank and ahead to act as a vanguard. I was not overly concerned about being surprised, as we were still in Hatran territory and south of that lay the Kingdom of Babylon. Still, with Dobbai’s warning ringing in my ears I was taking no chances. Soon the rays of sun had burnt off the last vestiges of the mist to reveal a cloudless sky. It would be a glorious spring day, ideal for marching, not too hot and with a slight northerly breeze. I had to confess that it felt good to be marching with the army again. At last I would settle things with Mithridates and Narses.
    By noon most of the horsemen were walking to preserve their animals’ strength. The only horsemen still riding were on patrol. Malik and Byrd rode back to the army, their clothes covered in dust and their horses breathing heavily from a long ride. They both dismounted and joined our small group of myself, Orodes and Domitus. Domitus always walked despite being general of the army and despite my efforts to persuade him otherwise.
    ‘No enemy anywhere,’ reported Byrd, ‘land empty.’
    ‘I’m sure my stepbrother has his spies watching us,’ said Orodes.
    ‘If they are, then they are very well hidden,’ said Malik.
    The land along the riverbank was highly cultivated and populated, but further inland the fields and irrigation ditches gave way to flat, barren desert until one encountered the cultivated land on the western bank of the River Tigris. There were few inhabitants of the land between the rivers apart from nomads.
    ‘Mithridates will soon learn that we have left Dura,’ I said. ‘The disadvantage of being a city on the Silk Road is that the traffic is an efficient carrier of gossip as well as goods. It doesn’t matter. After all, we want to goad him into action.’
    Nevertheless Orodes shielded the army with a thick screen of patrols as we marched south along the Euphrates. As usual each night the army sheltered in a camp surrounded by an earth rampart surmounted by a wall of stakes, constructed after the Roman fashion. Each day the stakes were taken down and loaded onto mules for transportation to the next night’s camp site. It was a time-consuming process to erect and then disassemble these camps, but it ensured that the army and its wagons and animals were safe from any night attack. Not that there was much risk of that – Parthians as a rule did not fight at night.
    ‘I would not put it past my stepbrother to launch a night attack,’ remarked Orodes as we relaxed in the command tent after another day’s march.
    ‘No army near,’ said Byrd.
    ‘I doubt he will even fight,’ added Malik, his black robes matching the tattoos on his face.
    ‘What was

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