Book: PARADISE COVE (PARADISE SERIES Book 1) by Patrice Wilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrice Wilton
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home with us, but he wanted to stay at the hospital with his family. Sean's at his cabin sleeping. He was up all night."
    "Oh. That poor man. I wonder if he wants company," Brittany said, sticking her hands into her tight short pockets.
    "He needs sleep, Brit. Seriously. Can you hold off with your flirting for just a few more days? We have serious issues at hand. Like booking reservations and getting this place up to snuff before the holiday season."
    "I'm sure you're right. Sean's just an innocent diversion. He won't be here forever, so what could it hurt?"
    Kayla didn't bother answering. Three months was a long time at a resort. Instead she took a package of lasagna noodles out of the pantry and a large jar of spaghetti sauce, determined to make a quick lasagna dish. Couldn't be that hard, could it? Taylor's was always divine.
    She read the ingredients on the back of the package, and checked the refrigerator. She found a pound of hamburger in the freezer and nuked it in the microwave. She took out a package of frozen spinach too. She found a container of cottage cheese with an expired date on the label, but what difference did a few weeks make? She smelled it, but she'd never liked cottage cheese to begin with. Next she took out a package of shredded mozzarella and a jar of Parmesan cheese. Two eggs, and she was done.
    "Need some help?" Brit asked.
    "Sure. Could you take those two trays out of the oven, and wrap them in foil to keep warm? Then you can help me make lasagna."
    Before Brittany had a chance to cover both trays, Kayla pinched one of the spinach and feta delicacies that were encased in phyllo dough. She popped it in her mouth, and moaned with pleasure.
    "Yum! How does she do that?" Kayla didn't wait for an answer but handed Brittany the lasagna box. "Read the directions out loud, so we both know what we're doing."
    They worked comfortably together, and soon had the thawed beef simmering on top of the stove. Kayla added the jar of spaghetti sauce while Brittany tossed the other ingredients into a mixing bowl.
    Kayla carefully layered the lasagna so-so, just as the directions stated. She covered it with aluminum foil and popped it into the hot oven. "The last time I made one of these, Brian tossed half of it out."
    "That good, huh?" Brittany knotted her ponytail so it sat in a loose bun. “Must have been a bummer.”
    "Well, I had worked all day, and then he told me his mother was dropping over for dinner, so I planned on ordering in. No mess, no hassle. Then he showed me the refrigerator. He had gone to the store and bought all the ingredients, so what was I to do?"
    "Couldn't he have just made it?" Brittany perched on a bar stool. “Women don’t have to do all the cooking.”
    "Are you kidding? I might be a bad cook, but he's even worse. Good thing we lived close to the city then. Food was only a phone call away."
    "So what happened with the lasagna?"
    "It never sat. Thing was so mushy, I had a hard time slicing it and getting it out of the pan. Didn't taste all that bad, but it looked pretty awful." She laughed at the memory. "At least he never asked me to cook for his mother again. We always took her to one of our favorite spots for dinner."
    Brit laughed and stretched out her legs. "Worked out well."
    "You got that right." Kayla high-fived her sister.
    “You must get lonely. Do you miss him?”
    “Nope,” Kayla answered quickly and honestly. “He wasn’t the one, I suppose. And now, I’m too busy to think about dating, or romance.”
    Sean's handsome face popped to mind. She wondered what his kisses would taste like. His hard body next to hers. She suddenly felt warm.
    Opening the door of the oven gave a blast of heat that she used to explain her fiery cheeks. "Smells good," Kayla said. "Foil needs to come off soon. I'll have to let it sit so that it'll settle. Last time I just took it right from the oven to the table."
    "Guess you’ve got it from here. I'm going in to shower," Brit said. "Then I'll

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