Out of the Shadows

Out of the Shadows by Melanie Mitchell Page B

Book: Out of the Shadows by Melanie Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Mitchell
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gesture of reassurance. “Have you taken any meds today?”
    “Just my cholesterol pill.” He seemed to be short of breath. “I didn’t bring my nitro pills with me.... Stupid, I know...but I haven’t had any problems in two years.”
    “Mr. Cooper, I can’t tell if you’re having a heart attack, but you’re obviously having angina, and your heart rhythm indicates some premature contractions.” Leslie took his blood pressure again and glanced at the monitor. “Are you allergic to any drugs?” He shook his head and closed his eyes. She rummaged in her bag and pulled out two small bottles. She handed him a tablet. “Here, chew this. It’s aspirin.” When he had finished chewing the pill, she handed him another. “Nitro. Under your tongue.” He nodded and obeyed.
    Ben made good time, and when they arrived at the airfield Bill Cooper’s pulse had slowed to almost normal and his color had improved. Charles Endebbi met them at the hangar, and he and Ben began to prepare the Cessna.
    Obviously impatient to be off, Justin Cooper left the confines of the Jeep to monitor the process, mostly staying out of the way. For the first time Leslie studied the younger man and noted that he was probably in his late thirties. He was of average height and solidly built, although not heavy like his father. He glanced anxiously back toward the Jeep. She climbed from the vehicle to try to reassure him. As she approached, Justin whipped around, and she got her first good look at him. His appearance was striking. His features were even and refined, and his dark hair, although thinning slightly, was nicely groomed.
    “Mr. Cooper, your father should be fine,” she said. “His heart rate and rhythm and blood pressure have stabilized, and you’ll be in Nairobi in less than two hours. Ben can call ahead and have an ambulance meet you and drive him to a hospital.”
    Justin Cooper’s light brown eyes flashed with intelligence and agitation. “You are coming with us, aren’t you?” It was as much a command as a question. His stare was intense.
    “I really don’t think that will be necessary. As I said, his condition has stabilized.” She frowned. “I’m needed here, and I couldn’t get back tonight because the airfield isn’t lighted—”
    “I don’t care! I’ll pay you to come with us. I’ll pay Murphy to fly you back tomorrow.” His attitude was unrelenting, and Leslie got the impression that he was used to getting his way.
    She straightened her shoulders. “Look, Mr. Cooper, it’s not about getting paid. I don’t work for money. If I thought your father needed me, I’d come. But I have responsibilities here.” Plus, she thought, she would have to endure Ben’s company, something she’d successfully avoided for the better part of a month. She blinked at that random thought—was that part of her hesitation?
    “Ms...er...Leslie, my father is a very important man. Insuring his well-being should be your primary responsibility.” As if to emphasize what he was saying, he placed both of his hands on her forearms and gave her a small shake.
    Leslie didn’t respond well to being bullied and was growing increasingly irritated. She took a deep breath in an attempt to control her temper. “I need to go assess him again. We’ll talk more in a minute.” She pulled away and hastily returned to the Jeep.
    * * *
    B EN FURTIVELY WATCHED the exchange between Leslie and Justin Cooper. Both Coopers, as he’d been informed several times during their brief acquaintance, were prominent lawyers from Seattle. Their clothing appeared costly, and both wore expensive watches that were inappropriate for the African bush. Either they hadn’t read the guidebook warnings about the high rate of theft of such items, or they didn’t care. He shrugged. Obviously they were wealthy enough to set their own agenda and hire charter pilots.
    For some reason he did not pause to examine, he was annoyed to witness what appeared to be an intense

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