Our Love

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Book: Our Love by Sheena Binkley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheena Binkley
Tags: Novel
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she said innocently.
    While Ashley, Eva, and Kim all gave me hugs, I went up to the stage with a look of confusion on my face. From the look of the crowd, it seemed they didn't want me as queen. Believe me, I didn't want the title. Maybe at Parker, but not at Belmont.
    I walked in front of Mrs. Donald as she put my crown on my head and put my slash over my dress. I smiled at Mrs. Donald and went up to the microphone. All of a sudden I was really nervous as I looked out into the crowd. Some people had smiles on their faces, but from the majority of the crowd, the expression "if looks could kill" was evident, as some wondered why I was up there receiving the crown.
    "Wow, this is unexpected. Thank you all for giving me a chance even though I have only been here for a short time."
    "No one gave you a chance!" someone yelled from the crowd.
    "How did you win the crown?" someone else asked.
    "Y'all just mad because y'all not up there!" Eva yelled at the crowd.
    I shook my head and sigh. Leave it to Eva to make a situation worse than what it was.
    "Why is her ass up there? She doesn't deserve the crown. She doesn't deserve anything," someone yelled.
    "Excuse me," I said into the microphone. When I found out who said that, I was definitely going to go off in here. No one, and I mean no one, is going to call me out like that.
    "Calm down everyone. The voting was done fair and square. There's no need to be upset over it," Mr. Davis said to the crowd.
    Michael got up from his seat and took the microphone from Mr. Davis.
    "Whoever said that please apologize to Charlie," he said.
    The crowd looked at each other and started talking all at once again. I had a feeling who said the last comment. Of course she wasn't going to reveal herself because she was a scared witch.
    "Fine then. You all are being really childish right now. Let's go." Michael said to me. He threw the crown on the stage floor and grabbed my hand. There was no way I was giving up my crown and slash, so I kept everything on and walked off the stage with Michael. As we were going through the crowd, someone stuck their foot out and purposely tried to trip me. I almost fell on the hard gym floor, but Michael caught me in time. I looked up and realized Danielle was standing in front of me with her friends looking at me with a stony glaze.
    "Now you know who's territory this is. You knew that crown was mine."
    "Listen Danielle, I don't want any trouble tonight. Now get out of my face."
    "I'll get out of your face when I feel like it."
    "Stop it, Danielle. This is getting out of control."
    "Shut up, Michael. I'm not finish talking to your girlfriend," she said as she got up in my face. It took all of my strength not to beat her right there on the gym floor.
    "You think you can waltz up in here and take everything that's mine? You have another thing coming. This is my school, so take yourself back to the hood where you belong."
    That was it. I was about two seconds from hitting her when someone stepped in my way. It was Brandy who jumped in front of me. Eva, Ashley, and Kim stepped in front of me as well. They looked at Danielle ready to jump her.
    "I think you want to take that last comment back," Ashley said while getting into Danielle's face.
    "Why should I? No one wants her here. The question everyone wants to know is why is Charlie Perry at Belmont? It's too late in the semester to just transfer schools. So what is the real reason you're here?"
    I looked at Danielle and walked right past her. On my way, I pushed her, causing her to lose her balance. My girls were behind me giving Danielle and her friends vicious looks. I think Eva and Ashley even scared her friends a little bit, because they jumped back from us as we made our way out the door. Michael looked at Danielle with a mean expression on his face.
    "You went too far this time, Danielle," he said as he started to walk away.
    I walked toward the gym door and opened it wide with both hands. I couldn't believe what just

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