Our Kingdom of Dust

Our Kingdom of Dust by Leonard Kinsey Page A

Book: Our Kingdom of Dust by Leonard Kinsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonard Kinsey
Tags: Novels
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was surprised to find myself choking up. It was something about the tone of her voice. I was pretty sure she wasn’t going to be calling me. And that sucked, because I was in love with her. I mean, I’d certainly never threatened to break a champagne bottle over anyone’s head for a chick before…. That must be love, right?
    I didn’t have much time to dwell on it, because right then a cop car pulled up.
    “Shit,” I said.
    The officer, a burly guy, got out of the car.
    “Hello, Officer,” I said weakly.
    “Sir, we’ve received a report of a possible domestic violence situation,” he said.
    “Yeah….” I said. “Everything’s okay now. Everyone’s fine. She just drove off in a cab, and he’s back in the house now. Nobody got hurt.”
    “May I ask why you’re holding that bottle in your hand?” he asked.
    “Oh. Right. Um, it looked like maybe things were getting a little out of hand. So I came out here to break it up.”
    “That’s the job of the police, sir. If you’d hit someone with that bottle you could have been charged with aggravated assault.”
    “Absolutely. And the male suspect is back in the house?”
    “Yeah, Jay.”
    “Do you think I could talk to him?”
    “Sure. I mean, I guess. Hopefully he’s put some clothes on.”
    “So the suspect was nude in public?”
    “Shit. Yeah.”
    We walked up to the house and the officer knocked on the door. Jay opened it, wearing a sweat suit. He seemed totally chilled.
    “Hello, Officer,” he said.
    “I was called here on a possible domestic violence incident. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
    “Sure, no problem.”
    “Can I come inside?” asked the officer.
    “It’s a bit of a mess,” said Jay. “Can we talk out here?”
    The officer paused. I saw something cross his face. Suspicion?
     “Of course,” he said, after a second. “Full name?”
    “Jason Montgomery.”
    “Mr. Montgomery, is it true that you were out on that corner, arguing with a female, while in a state of undress?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Okay,” said the officer. “I’m going to have to bring you in for public indecency. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer before answering any of our questions. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed for you without cost and before any questioning. You have the right to use any of these rights at any time you want during this interview. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?”
    “I do,” said Jay.
    “And if the female in question decides to press charges, that will also be an aggravated assault charge. At the very least it sounds like she definitely has grounds for a restraining order. Please turn around so I can place the handcuffs on you.”
    “Yes, sir, Officer,” said Jay, without any sign of emotion.
    “Jesus,” I said.
    “Thank you for your help, sir” the officer said as he led Jay towards the police car. “And in the future, please don’t even think about hitting someone with a bottle.”
    Jay turned to me. “I’m sorry about this, Blaine. The keys to the limo are on the nightstand in my bedroom, if you want to drive yourself back. Please don’t bail me out.”
    He yelled back as the door closed. “Do not bail me out!”
    I stood there as the police car drove off. He was obviously not in his right mind.
    About five hours later, once his bail had been set at $3K, and once I’d figured out how to drive that damned limo, I was at the police station, bailing him out.
    “I told you not to bail me out,” he said.
    “You’re welcome,” I responded. “Can you please drive me back to The Beach Club?”
    We drove the whole way there in silence. When we stopped at the entrance I opened the door myself, and got out.
    “Let me know if you need anything, okay?” I said.
    “I could use some cash,” he replied.

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