Origin ARS 6

Origin ARS 6 by Scottie Futch Page A

Book: Origin ARS 6 by Scottie Futch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scottie Futch
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again he said, "Do either of you even know what the project is about?"
    "Well, no..," said Sarah slowly.
    Scott shook his head. "The people who get taken on for this project have to be exemplary, better men than me. They will have access to high level security clearances and have to engage in a great deal of fighting among other things."
    He took a breath then continued. "Those men will become both incredibly powerful, and be seen as ambassadors of this country. They need to have a sense of morality and dedication that is well beyond the average person."
    "Are you saying Jake isn't like that?" asked Sarah angrily.
    Scott blinked. "Seriously? Are you seriously going to ask me that?"
    "I didn't think you were this petty..." she said in a frosty tone.
    "I'm petty?" asked Scott softly. "It's petty to believe that a man who would impregnate my drunk fiancé on the same night that she accepted my proposal is not good enough to be an ambassador?"
    "Whatever! You just want to lord your new position over him!" snapped Sarah.
    "No. I just see no reason to trust a man to have my back in battle when he has already stabbed it once," said Scott. He was rather proud of himself for phrasing it in such a manner. It perfectly encapsulated his thoughts on the matter.
    "So, you're saying no?" pressed Sarah.
    "Yes. I am saying no. More to the point, if that baby daddy of yours was worth a damn he would have contacted me directly instead of trying to use you to manipulate me," said Scott.
    Sarah remained silent for a moment then huffed loudly and ended the call without speaking further. Scott pulled his cell away from his ear then snorted at it. "Somehow, I doubt that's the end of that."
    Scott took a shower then changed clothes while Herbert ran around the house like he had lost his furry little mind. "Man, I wish I could bring stuff here. It would be so much easier to wash clothes or shower."
    Life was not fair in that regard. He had thought about it often enough. While he was certain that he could coax Rhea into allowing such a thing, it might cause problems. "Would definitely save on the cost of housing, though."
    For now, at least, his Earth house would just have to be for business and occasional vacations.
    Once he had rounded up his furry brother-in-arms, Scott headed out to see if he could meet up with Captain Johnson. While driving to base, he received a message from Shara of all people. "Scott can we talk some time?" he asked aloud as he drove down the street.
    He shrugged then ignored proper traffic protocols and texted her back. "Sure, any time."
    Scott pulled to a stop at the next light then continued on as it changed. Just as he got up to speed on a long stretch of highway, a sound reminiscent of a loud Poof! exploded in the air above his lap. His eyes widened comically as he tried to retain control of the vehicle. His lap had suddenly been occupied by a busty red haired ninja girl. "Shara? The hell!"
    Shara snuggled close to him then giggled. "It's been forever, original Scott!"
    The car screeched to a halt on the side of the road just shy of sliding into the ditch. "Shara!"
    She laughed happily then kissed him on the cheek. "Original Scott!" she cried, playing along.
    His heart pounded in his chest while he tried to regain his proper bearings. That had been close. Served him right for telling her that she could talk to him anytime .
    "Oh, how I've missed you original Scott." She hugged him tightly once more then sighed.
    Her cheek pressed hotly to his, Scott was forced to speak through slightly compressed lips. "Why do you keep calling me original Scott ?"
    Shara giggled sweetly then pulled back. She lightly tapped him on the nose then said, "Well, you're with my sister Origin and your name is Scott."
    "Ah." It made sense. Rather it made sense as far as anything Shara might cook up. "So... What did you want to talk about?"
    Shara wiggled her ass a little in his lap then smiled. Her smile slowly turned into a blush as her confidence

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