Option to Kill (Nathan McBride 3)

Option to Kill (Nathan McBride 3) by Andrew Peterson Page A

Book: Option to Kill (Nathan McBride 3) by Andrew Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Peterson
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but she never wears it.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “I think she’s embarrassed. She doesn’t want people to think she’s rich.”
    Lauren didn’t respond right away. He hoped she’d be honest.
    “Okay. I knew it was an alexandrite and that it’s like really expensive.”
    “How expensive?”
    “A hundred and ninety thousand dollars.”
    “Are you telling me you’re wearing a ring worth nearly two hundred grand?”
    “And you aren’t worried about losing it?”
    “Not really. I never take it off when I’m not at home.”
    “Does your mom know you wear it?”
    “She said it’s okay. Since I’m just a kid, no one thinks it’s real. It was too big for me, so she made it smaller.”
    “She took it to a jeweler and had it resized?”
    “I guess.”
    “How long was she married to your stepdad?”
    “Only about a year.”
    “How did they meet?”
    “I think at a school meeting.”
    “Does your stepdad have children from a previous marriage?”
    “Two boys, but they’re total brats. They’re mean to me.”
    “They just lost their father. It’s going to be hard on them. Do they live with their mother?”
    She nodded.
    “Does your mom have friends she likes to hang out with?”
    “She doesn’t have any friends.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “I guess she doesn’t trust people.”
    “Sounds familiar.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “It means she’s like us.”
    “She didn’t love him.”
    “Your mom didn’t love your stepdad? Why do you think that?”
    “I could just tell.”
    They sat in silence while they finished off the sandwich. Nathan saw that she had good table manners. “I tried to kill another man tonight. Are you okay with that?”
    “You mean at the grocery store? But he was trying to kill you. That makes it okay, right?”
    “You know why I’m asking?”
    “There might be more bad guys trying to kill us, and you’ll have to kill them first.”
    “That’s right.”
    “Are you really my uncle?”
    “If you’re asking me if I believe it without any proof, then yes. Our eyes are nearly identical. My father, your grandfather, is a United States senator. He’s a very important political figure.”
    “You said your mom is from Korea. My father was a Marine. He served over there during the war.”
    “This is too weird. Why wouldn’t she tell me about you? You seem like a nice man.”“I have my moments.”
    She didn’t say anything.
    “I’m sure your mom has her reasons. Hopefully we’ll find out soon. But until then, don’t tell anyone we’re related unless I say it’s okay. Never even mention it.”
    “I won’t.”
    “Thank you for telling me the truth. Remember when I told you my girlfriend is a special agent in charge in the FBI? Her name’s Holly Simpson. She runs the Sacramento field office. I’m telling you because she’s going to help us figure out what’s going on. So if you think of something important or remember anything else, no matter how small it seems, you tell me right away.”
    “I will.”
    “You’ve seen a lot of violence tonight.”
    “I’m not freaked out or anything, if that’s what you mean.”
    “Things could get worse.”
    “We’ll be together, right?”
    “Yes, but you could slow me down, and that could put both of us in danger. So if I tell you to do something, you have to do it without question. It’s like a Marine following orders. Are you okay with that?”
    “I guess.”
    “There’s no room for guessing. It could be a life-or-death situation. I need to know you’ll do exactly what I tell you without questioning it.”
    “I can do that.”
    “Good. Now take these plates to the sink!”
    She threw her napkin at him.
    “At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor.” He held out his hand, and she shook it, her expression sincere. “Let’s take a look at that motorcycle.”

Chapter 12
    He opened the garage door and watched Lauren’s eyes widen.

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