Open Heart
made me think that we had something real and amazing.”
    “It wasn’t what I planned, Annabeth. None of it.”
    “So why did you tell me at all?”
    “Because we’re falling in love. Aren’t we?”
    She was silent.
    “I just couldn’t go on not telling you. I knew I’d lose you, you see, and I’m selfish and weak enough that I wanted every minute with you that I could get. I wanted to be there for you, to help you. It was – it was wrong. But I didn’t expect you to ever feel the way that I do. I didn’t think you’d want me after I left here, or that you’d want to come to Houston with me.” He held her eyes. “I truly didn’t think I’d ever have to tell you.”
    “It was all a huge mistake.”
    That hurt. “Don’t say that baby, please.”
    “Don’t call me that.”
    “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything…”
    “What did you honestly think was going to happen when you told me?”
    He gave her a sad smile. “This. This was going to happen. You were going to hate me.”
    “One more thing is going to happen.”
    “What’s that?”
    She slapped him across the face, hard enough that his head was flung to the side.
    Her beautiful eyes were blazing with hatred. “I’d take him back in a heartbeat, even if it meant that you’d have to die.”
    He winced.
    You deserve this, man. All of it.
    Eric stood up, his face stinging. “I’m sorry, Annabeth. I’m going to go now, but not before you call someone… Francine or Vicky or Julie. I’m not walking out that door until I’m sure you’ve got someone coming to you.”
    “Oh, you think I’m going to kill myself over this?” She got back to her feet, furious. “You arrogant asshole. You’re not going to do that to me. Get out. Now.”
    He opened the door. “I hope you can forgive me one day. Goodbye, Annabeth.”
    “Fuck off.”
    He went back to his cabin and picked up his bag. He’d packed it before coming over to Annabeth’s place that day. He knew he’d be leaving.
    Slowly, he picked up his cell phone and punched in Ian’s number. Numb, he listened to the ringing at the other end.
    “Eric.” Ian’s voice was worried. “What’s going on?”
    “I told her, Ian.”
    Ian let out a huge gust of breath. “Goddammit.”
    “I know. I had to, though. She wanted to come to Houston and rent a place and write her next book while seeing me seriously. I just – I couldn’t let that happen.”
    “No. No, you couldn’t.”
    “I wanted to, though.” A sob caught in his chest. “I wanted her to come. I actually thought – just for a few seconds – about not telling her anything. I wanted to be with her so much, Ian…”
    His voice broke and tears stung his eyes.
    “Eric.” Ian’s distress was palpable even over the phone. “Don’t, man. Please don’t.”
    “Sorry.” Eric wiped his eyes.
    “Don’t apologize.” Ian’s voice was soft. “It’s alright, little bro. Just come home, OK? We’ll talk when you get here. It’ll be OK.”
    “Alright. I’m leaving right now.”
    “You’ve got a flight booked?”
    “Not until tomorrow, but I’ll try to change my ticket. If not, I’ll ask to buy a new one. If I can’t, I’ll fly standby.”
    “Thanks, Ian.”
    Ian paused. “For what?”
    “For not saying ‘I told you so’.”
    “Oh, Eric. This is one time that I am very unhappy about having been right. I wish – I wish it could all be different. For you and for Annabeth.”
    “Me too.”
    They were silent for a few seconds.
    “OK. Get to the airport, get a ticket. Let me know when you’ll be coming home. I’ll come and pick you up. OK?”
    “Yeah. Thanks.”
    They hung up.
    Eric looked around the cabin one last time, then he walked to the main building and checked out. He sat inside and looked at the mountains while he waited for the taxi. And when they drove away, he didn’t look back even once.

Chapter Ten
Five weeks later
    Rob Cathay pressed the tip of cock inside Tammy, felt her shudder in

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