Only You

Only You by Denise Grover Swank Page B

Book: Only You by Denise Grover Swank Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Grover Swank
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No, not to worry. Megan and the baby are fine.” Nicole’s voice softened. “I need you to go over a contract for me. …Yes, I know you’re a divorce attorney, but surely you can look this over. …Yes, that’s doable. I’ll send it right away. And is there any chance you can look it over before noon? I realize that’s only a few hours away. Did I mention that I currently have you in charge of a game at Megan’s baby shower tomorrow? But I can switch it to Libby.” A wicked smile lit up her eyes. “Very good. I look forward to hearing back from you.” She hung up and looked over her shoulder at Holly. “She was hesitant, but agreed to glance it over, and if it’s too complicated she’ll recommend someone else to review it.”
    Holly had to appreciate the way Nicole could get people to do what she wanted, and the mention of the shower reminded her that Nicole had been driving herself crazy getting ready for her daughter’s party. “How are things going with the shower planning?”
    “Everything is in place, but Megan still stubbornly refuses to tell me the sex of the baby.”
    “Maybe she doesn’t know yet.”
    “She claims she and Josh don’t want to know, but I’m sure they are doing this to spite me. I’m certain she told my mother, but she swears she doesn’t know, either. I wouldn’t put it past Megan and my mother to use this against me in some kind of prank at the shower.”
    Holly had gotten to know Megan since she’d moved back from Seattle, and Holly had recognized that she had a mischievous spirit. And as for Gram—as everyone called Nicole’s mother—Holly had met her, too. Nicole’s paranoid concern wasn’t outside the realm of possibility.
    “I wanted to announce the baby’s sex at the shower. Many of her friends will be there, as well as her aunts and cousins.”
    “And some of your friends.”
    “Well, yes…”
    Nicole seemed flustered by her statement, although Holly wasn’t sure why. She hadn’t hidden the fact that she’d planned her daughter’s shower during her second trimester purely to host it in her recently updated backyard. It was the perfect opportunity to sign on more clients. Still, maybe Holly could use this to her advantage.
    “It would have been great to make a big production of announcing the baby’s gender.” The fact that Nicole had some really great ideas had never been in question. That was part of the appeal of working with her.
    Nicole turned around to look at her, seemingly surprised to have a coconspirator. “ Yes! That’s what I’ve told Megan.” Her face lit up. “Why don’t you talk to her?”
    “You know each other. Maybe you can convince her to give up this foolishness.”
    “But…” Was she insane? “You want me to just call her and ask her if she’s having a boy or girl? I haven’t talked to her in over a month.”
    “Of course not. Warm her up with something else first. Tell her what you’ll be wearing tomorrow.”
    Holly froze. “Why would Megan care what I’m wearing tomorrow?”
    “So she can tell you if it clashes with her outfit.” A smile spread across Nicole’s face. “I need you to help at the shower tomorrow.”
    Holly stared at her in disbelief.
    “Millie Leopold will be there and I know for a fact she’s planning a huge engagement party for her daughter. We need to impress her.”
    “But this is Megan’s baby shower.”
    Nicole rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know. And if you can find out the baby’s gender by three, I can make sure the cupcakes coordinate.”
    She was serious. But she was also in a slightly better mood. This was a way for Holly to earn her way back into Nicole’s good graces. Besides, it wasn’t like Nicole was going to give her the option of saying no.
    “Okay,” Holly said, knowing there was no way to get the baby’s sex out of Megan but she’d at least make an effort.
    “Perfect!” Nicole clasped her hands together. “Distinctive Events has scored the wedding of

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