Only One Man Will Do
itself into a sleep pattern as the first rays of the rising sun began to slip through the cracks of her blinds.

Chapter Nine
    As they enjoyed their after-dinner drunken coffees the next night, Dmitri took a deep breath before he spoke.
    “So, I’m going out of town for a few days…” he began.
    Alexandra’s eyes widened in surprise. “A few days? How long is a few days?”
    He shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe a week. Maybe longer. Depends…”
    “On what?” Her tone sharpened.
    “On how long I need to take care of business.”
    “What kind of business?”
    He cocked his head to meet her gaze. “It’s not your concern. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way back.”
    “So, are you acting as a hit man for your cousin? Heading out of town to kill someone, then you’ll appear back here as if nothing special happened?”
    His eyes narrowed. “Is that really what you think of me?”
    Alexandra shrugged. “I don’t know what to think of you. If you’ll remember, I met you when you were sent to…
teach me a lesson
, I think was the way you put it. You told me you had put a major hurt on the men you were sent after. Now you tell me you’re going out of town on
. But the only job you have here is being a bouncer on weeknights at a biker bar. That’s not the kind of business you’d need to go out of town for.”
    “I did tell your father I represented a conglomerate of Russian companies.”
    “I thought that was just bullshit to impress my dad.”
    “And I told you it was partly true. Maybe I have to do a few things to be sure it’s all true. Otherwise your father is going to wonder why I’m hanging around his daughter so much.”
    Alexandra snorted. “Honey, men have been hanging around his daughter since middle school, when my tits started growing and didn’t stop until I was almost too big for a double D!”
    He nodded. “Of course. But this trip will combine a few things I need to get done. I’ve been putting it off because I’ve been enjoying spending so much time with you. But I need to look at the bigger picture and that means I’ve got some things to take care of.”
    “So, you’re not gonna just go whack some guy your cousin Ivan, the ex KGB-agent, told you to?”
    In defense, he attacked. “Why the sudden interest in my affairs? I don’t ask what you’re doing at your office all day. Or on the nights I’m not here.”
    “Working. And working out then resting so I’ll be up for multiple rounds of energetic fucking when I see you the next time. So there!” She stuck out her tongue at him.
    Dmitri smiled. “If you really want me to account for my days and nights, I’ll call you and fill you in.”
    He watched as a myriad of emotions played themselves out on her face.
    She’s nosy…she’s jealous…and she appears to be anxious. She doesn’t want me to go. Maybe she’ll be willing to give up any pretense of needing other men. Maybe she’ll realize she doesn’t need any other men when she has me.
    Alexandra’s lips twitched upwards before she spoke. “Well, at least it’s supposed to be warm enough to ride this weekend. That means we’ll be headed out to my place up by Mille Lacs. I’ll probably get the gang to ride up there with me on Saturday and we can get the place aired out and open for the season.”
    Dmitri’s face set in stone as he remembered what he’d been told about the pleasure room in the barn. He firmly clamped down on his rising jealousy.
    She’ll head out there with the gang? There’ll be group sex and orgies going on? Other dicks will be fucking
    He realized she had stopped talking and was staring at him now, trying to read his face.
    He doesn’t look happy about me heading out to the farm with the gang. I wonder if someone’s been talking to him, telling him what we do out there. Too bad. He’s gonna be gone, probably fucking other women. What does he expect me to do? Sit around playing with myself waiting for him? I’m not a

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