One of Those Malibu Nights

One of Those Malibu Nights by Elizabeth Adler Page A

Book: One of Those Malibu Nights by Elizabeth Adler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Adler
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movie star. But my lord, she was beautiful. The long straight blond hair fell like a curtain over eyes that were bluer than any she had ever seen. She saw a flicker of surprise cross Allie’s face, quickly covered with a smile. It was obvious she hadn’t known there would be anyone else here.
    Mac introduced them. Clutching their dogs the two women shook hands and said hello. Tesoro extended an aristocratic nose toward Fussy who sniffed back then let out a sudden abused yelp.
    “Oh my God,” Allie said to Sunny. “Did your dog just nip Fussy’s nose?”
    “She certainly did not. Tesoro wouldn’t stoop to such behavior.” Sunny’s eyes met Mac’s over the top of Allie’s head and he grinned. “Your dog just barked, that’s all,” she added defensively.
    “That’s all she ever does.” Allie sighed.
    “Tesoro too.” Sunny was suddenly all sympathy. “We should have dogs like Pirate. He’s such a good boy, look how well behaved he is.”
    They both turned to look at Pirate, back at his post near the beach steps, ears down, his one eye wary. Now he had two smart-ass bitches to run from.
    “Sunny runs her own PR company,” Mac told Allie. “Butsometimes she helps me out on my cases.” Brows raised, he grinned again at Sunny who looked amazed but pleased.
    Allie was taking in Sunny’s exotic looks; her glorious body and long slender legs. She didn’t see how any man could resist her, especially a sexy guy like Mac Reilly.
    She sat on the edge of the metal chair near Sunny, put the Maltese down and took a sip of her wine. “Are you working on my case then, Miss Alvarez?”
    “Please, call me Sunny. And actually no, though I do know about your being followed.”
    Sunny wasn’t about to tell the movie star she’d heard all about her storm of tears and confessions. No woman would care to have her life exposed to a stranger like that. Besides when Mac confided his business secrets to her he trusted her to keep them.
    The captain’s bell jingled again and both women glanced inquiringly at Mac.
    “That’ll be Roddy,” he said, heading for the door, leaving them alone.
    “It must be awful, being stalked,” Sunny said with a little shudder. “I sympathize with you.”
    “It’s certainly not comfortable,” Allie said.
    From the house they heard Mac’s laugh and then Roddy’s voice, lighter than Mac’s and excited.
    Allie looked expectantly toward the two men as they stepped out onto the deck. She’d thought she would be alone with Mac. Now not only was there another woman, there wasalso another guy, Mac’s assistant, who she knew had been taking care of her problem when Mac was in Rome.
    Roddy’s spiky hair was bleached platinum. He sported a spray-on tan, white linen shorts, a tight red Gaultier T-shirt and Havaianas flip-flops.
    He hugged Sunny enthusiastically. “Missed you when you were in Rome,” he said, holding her away from him and smiling into her eyes, and Allie suddenly understood that Sunny had been in Rome with Mac.
for an entire week.
    Sunny said, “Allie, this is Roddy Kruger, Mac’s assistant. And good friend.”
    He was beaming at Allie, revealing the whitest teeth she had ever seen.
    “Allie Ray! Oh … My … God!” He sank to his knees in front of her then took her hand and kissed it reverently. “I’ve loved you since forever,” he said dramatically. “You’re even more beautiful in person. I’m thrilled to meet you.”
    He was so genuinely excited Allie smiled. He certainly wasn’t Sunny Alvarez’s boyfriend though. “I’m glad to meet you, Roddy.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “There,” she added, “now we really know each other.”
    He scrambled to his feet, beaming back at her, his hand on his cheek. “I swear I’ll never wash that spot again,” he said, and they both laughed.
    “Oh my God,” Roddy said again, as Mac handed him a glass of wine. “Will you just look at that dog. It is a
, isn’tit?” He glanced at Allie for

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