One More Chance (Chance, Part 2)

One More Chance (Chance, Part 2) by T. Renee Fike Page B

Book: One More Chance (Chance, Part 2) by T. Renee Fike Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Renee Fike
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house until I decide to head to bed and Kenzie decides to go out for the night.
    Thursday comes quickly and before I know it I’m back at work.
    “Haley , can I see you in my office?” Aidan asks.
    “Sure,” I say as I pull myself up and out of my chair.  I waddle across the hall and into his office, “What’s up?”
    “Take a seat,” he says as he sits behind his desk.  I do as he asks.
    “Everything alright?” I ask confused.
    “It is, but I wanted to talk to you about your plans for the future.”
    “Oh, well I’m going to finish the internship out and go home, Lily’s due the end of September, so my best friends are going to help me with her, so I can continue to take my classes and graduate on time.”
    “Good, I’m very glad to hear that.  You’re great at your job and if you keep it up you’re only going to get better.  I want to make sure this is what you want to do, because it can be stressful at times.”
    “I love my job; it’s definitely what I want to do,” I assure him.
    “Good.  I’ve talked to some people and if you finish school , there will be a job waiting for you.”
    “Really?” I ask shocked.
    “Here in London?” I ask surprised.
    “No.  Since you’re having your baby and your family and friends are in the states it’s a sister company to this one.  I’ve told them about the work you’ve been doing and I’ve also showed them some of the interviews.  They are very impressed.  The job would be in Michigan where you are already living.  Are you planning to stay in Michigan after school or are you planning to move?”
    “No, I have a house in Michigan , so I’ll be staying there.  Thank you so much Aidan, this means the world to me,” I say feeling completely overwhelmed right now.
    “You’re welcome, but you did all the work.  I will have everything drawn up for you, paperwork wise, and as long as you graduate , the job is yours.”
    “Thank you so much,” I say as I stand to shake his hand.
    “You’re very welcome Haley,” he says with a smile.  I turn to head back to my office, “Oh and Haley?”
    “Your job ends at the end of the month.”
    “Wait what? It’s only the middle of July,” I say confused.
    “I know, but you are getting closer and closer to your due date and unless you want to have your baby in London, I think it’s probably be st you get home and get settled, that way if she decides to come early, you’re prepared.”
    “Are you sure?  I can stay longer; I don’t have a problem with that.”
    “I do.  You have done wonderful work here and anytime you want to come back and visit , the doors are always open.”
    “Thank you, Sir. ” I say before leaving.
    I finish my day of work and head home to tell Kenz the news.  I walk through the door to the flat and smell some amazing food. “That smells delicious,” I say as I walk into the kitchen to find Kenzie cooking away.
    “Hey, it’s almost ready,” she says excitedly.
    “So, I have some news,” I say as I take a seat at the table.
    “What’s that?”
    “I’m done at the end of the month.”
    “What? Why?” she asks in utter shock.
    “Aidan said I need to get back home and be prepared in case Lily comes early.”
    “Yeah, and soon I won’t be able to fly.”
    “S hould we look for a flight home?”
    “Yep.   Oh guess what else,” I say excitedly.
    “Aidan offered me a job, as long as I graduate with my Sports Management degree, I’ll have a job when I’m done,” I say happily.
    “No, in Michigan.  It’s a sister company.”
    “Wow, that’s awe some.  Congratulations,” she says looking truly happy for me.
    “Should we call and let everyone know?”
    “No.  We can surprise them.”
    “I like that idea.  Is it cool if I stay with you until I need to go back to school?  I want to be there when Lily’s born.”
    “Absolutely, you always have a place with me, but

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