On the Edge

On the Edge by V.E. Avance Page A

Book: On the Edge by V.E. Avance Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.E. Avance
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I drift back to sleep. 
    I don’t know how long I have been asleep but when I open my eyes, the sun is setting and I see a figure sitting in my desk chair.  I try to sit up and the figure comes to my bedside.  Oh my, it’s my Tommy.
    “Lay down baby.  I’m here now.”
    “I’m thirsty.”
    “What do you want me to get you?”
    “I’d like some ice water.”
    “Coming right up, angel.  You lay down now and just rest.”
    My mom comes in while Tommy is getting me something to drink and she has my laundry basket.   “Hey, baby girl.  I did your laundry for you.  I’ll leave your basket here and you can put them away later or I’ll do it for you while you’re at school tomorrow.”
    “Thank you, mom.”
    “It’s not a problem baby.  Tommy’s been by your side for the last two hours.  I think I may have misjudged him in the beginning.”
    “Really?  You’re admitting that you may have been wrong?”
    “Yes, Abigail Marie Wilkinson, your mother can admit when she’s been wrong.  Don’t act so shocked,” she says, teasingly.  “How are you feeling?”
    “Mom, I feel like crap.  All I want to do is sleep.”
    “That’s to be expected,” she says as she places a cool rag on my forehead.  “Just try to rest and sleep when you can,” she says as she kisses the top of my head.
    Tommy’s back carrying a glass of ice water.  He sits on the edge of the bed as I sit up.  Oh, the water tastes so good on my lips.  I think I drink half the glass before my thirst has been quenched.  My mom leaves the room and Tommy turns on the bedside lamp.   “How are you feeling?”
    “Better than I did a few hours ago.”
    “That’s good.  I was worried about you.”
    “I see that .  I’m sorry that I worried you,” I respond while twisting my comforter in my hands.  I hate that I worried him.
    “It’s okay babe.  You were sick and couldn’t help it,” he remarks as he lays next to me on the bed.
    I snuggle against his chest and listen to his heartbeat.  God, how I love this man!  He is the sweetest, most attentive man I have ever known.  I never imagined that he would come over after that text message. 
    “When I got your message that you were sick, I just had to hurry over.  I knew that I needed to be with you during this time.  I would have just sat at home worrying if I didn’t see you.”
    “Thank you, Tommy.  I was surprised to see you sitting here watching me sleep.”
    “I love watching you sleep.  I watch you sleep whenever I can.  You are beautiful even in your dreams.  I am still in awe at how I was lucky enough to find a wonderful woman like you.  I don’t deserve you.”
    “Tommy, stop that. You do deserve me.  It is I that doesn’t deserve you.  You are smart, funny, and handsome.  I love you.”
    “I love you too, angel.  You make me complete.  Now, you need to get some rest and I’m sure your mom doesn’t want me staying much longer.  I’ll call and check on you tomorrow after school.”
    With that, Tommy gets up.  He kisses my forehead as he brings the blanket to my chin and tucks me in.  I love him more than he will ever know.  I drift back to sleep and dream of my Tommy and a future with him.  I am awakened from my dream by my alarm.  It’s six o’clock in the morning and I need to take a shower since I didn’t get one last night. 
                               *   *   *
    Another week of the same old routine except cheer has ended.  I have been feeling off all week.  If I don’t feel well soon, I’ll need to remember to make an appointment with my physician.  My mood has been changing and I feel ill most of the day.  I just want to feel normal again.  It’s getting harder to push through each day. 
    Katherine is waiting for me by my car.  She has this huge smile on her face.  She must be excited about our trip to the mall tomorrow.  I

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