On Borrowed Time

On Borrowed Time by Jenn McKinlay Page A

Book: On Borrowed Time by Jenn McKinlay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn McKinlay
whose personal life was a train wreck. Friendship was the best she had to offer, so he could take it or leave it. And since that was the case, he really had no say about her dance partners.
    She reentered her office and plugged in the kettle to find Robbie lounging in one of her visitor’s chairs with his feet up on the other vacant chair while thumbing through the latest celebrity rag to which the library subscribed.
    He looked awfully at home in here, and she cringed at the thought of what Mayor Henson would think if he found him here. Of course, Mayor Henson loved having Robbie as a resident of their little coastal community. He’d probably encourage him to put in his own desk if he so chose. Lindsey frowned. Maybe it was time to establish some new boundaries in their friendship. She was winding up to tell him just that when her phone rang.
    â€œLindsey Norris, Briar Creek Library, may I help you?” she answered.
    Robbie wagged his eyebrows at her over the top of his magazine as if to tell her that he found her phone manners attractive. Lindsey turned her back to him.
    â€œI certainly hope so, Ms. Norris.” It was a man’s voice, one that she didn’t recognize. He had a lilting accent that made his low voice sound exotic.
    She could tell by the sharp tone that he was not a happy customer. She flitted through the reasons that she usually fielded calls from the cranky. He had an overdue fine that he felt was unfair. He lost a book, movie, what have you, and wanted to argue why it wasn’t his fault.
    He wanted them to buy an obscure and undoubtedly expensive book, movie, magazine subscription that only he was interested in. He didn’t like that they had time limits on the Internet computers. He didn’t like their hours. He felt someone had been rude to him by not letting him in the building after they were closed.
    Really, when a patron was cranky, it could be a myriad of issues. Of course, it could also be a justified complaint such as Ms. Cole being overzealous in her shushing or he was fined for a book that he had actually returned, both of which had been known to happen.
    â€œI’ll certainly do my best,” Lindsey said. “What is it that you need?”
    â€œYour brother,” he said.

L indsey went utterly still. The only sensation of movement in her entire body was from her heart doing a free-falling plummet into her feet like a rock into the sea.
    â€œExcuse me, I’m not sure I understand,” she said. She must have misunderstood him. “What was your name again?”
    Something in her tone must have alerted Robbie to her distress because he was on his feet and standing beside her before she blinked.
    â€œI don’t believe my name is relevant,” the man said. “However, your brother’s whereabouts are.”
    â€œIf you’re asking for my brother, then, yes, your name is most definitely required,” Lindsey said. “Privacy issues being what they are and all.”
    Robbie nudged his head in beside hers so he could listen in on the call. Lindsey would have shoved him away, but she didn’t want to miss a word the man said, and it was reassuring to have someone witness to the call.
    â€œYour brother is in grave danger,” the man said. “I know he came to see you.”
    He waited, and Lindsey realized he expected her to say something.
    â€œI have no idea what you’re talking about.” It sounded lame even to her, but she didn’t know what else to say. She had no doubt her nose was crinkling.
    The man made an impatient noise, and she could hear him cover the receiver and talk to someone else. Maybe it was the beautiful woman’s husband, and he was sending his goons after them even as they spoke.
    â€œIt is imperative that I talk to Jack,” the man said. “His life is in danger.”
    â€œFrom you?” Lindsey asked. “Are you the one who is hunting him?”
    â€œNo, you

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