Omega Dog
and the tunnels and the bridges, and he decided to head for the Holland Tunnel toward New Jersey. It would get them out of Manhattan quicker, and off the NYPD’s turf. That didn’t mean much in the long run, but in the shorter term it might cause a little interdepartmental confusion which could give him an edge.
    On Canal Street Venn pulled in abruptly, along a more-or-less deserted stretch.
    Beside him Dr Colby stirred, fear threatening to break through her apathetic expression. Venn got out, went round to her side and hauled open the door.
    She cringed back. He grabbed her arm and pulled her out, more roughly than he’d intended. It was just that he didn’t want to waste any time.
    ‘Where –’ she managed, her voice hoarse.
    ‘Change of car,’ he said curtly.
    Thirty yards away he found a silver Toyota Corolla, a few years old but not so beat-up looking that it was apt to conk out in mid-journey. A nice, dull, nondescript set of wheels. This time, instead of smashing a window, Venn took a minute to pick the lock. Once inside, he found a set of keys under the mirror flap.
    Something occurred to him. To Dr Colby he said, ‘Give me your cell phone.’
    She stared dumbly. Venn snapped his fingers. She handed the phone over.
    Venn wound down the window, dropped the phone carefully in front of the wheel, and started the engine, grinding over the phone with a soft crunch.
    ‘The cops will put a trace on your phone,’ he said, by way of explanation.
    The Holland Tunnel yawned to receive them. Venn took them into it, half-expecting irrationally to be stopped at the entrance by a roadblock. It didn’t happen.
    As the Corolla slipped into line, the girl spoke. Her voice startled Venn after the prolonged silence.
    ‘Before you kill me, at least tell me why.’
    Her tone was flat, without fear.
    Venn kept his eyes on the road. ‘If I’d wanted to kill you, I’d have done it back there.’
    She said nothing to that.
    He went on: ‘It probably escaped your notice, but I was protecting you back there. Both times. From the guy in the car, and before that, when he tried to shoot you on the fire escape.’
    A long silence followed again. Then she said, ‘Why did you take me prisoner? Away from those detectives?’
    ‘If I hadn’t, you’d be dead now. The cops wouldn’t have reacted as quickly as I did. If you’d stayed with them, that guy would’ve gone by in his car and taken you out before any of you knew what hit you.’ Venn braked as the lights came on at the rear of the car in front. He forced himself to relax a little. He knew he was jumpy.
    ‘Plus,’ he continued, ‘you can’t trust those cops. You can’t trust anyone.’
    ‘Just you.’ There wasn’t any mockery in her voice. Venn responded in the same spirit.
    ‘That’s right. Just me.’
    Somebody had stalled up ahead and the cars were having to slow. Venn didn’t like it. He felt shut in.
    To distract himself he said, ‘Do you have any idea why anybody would want to kill you?’
    She turned her face to him. He glanced across, and saw that she looked faintly surprised.
    ‘I assumed you would know,’ she said.
    Venn shook his head. ‘No clue. I don’t even really know anything about you, except that you’re Dr Elizabeth Colby.’
    ‘Who are you?’
    ‘My name is Joe Venn.’ He left it at that.
    They emerged on the Jersey City side. It was still hours before dawn, but Venn fancied he could see a reddish lightening in the sky over to the east.
    He drove apparently aimlessly through the empty streets. Colby said, ‘Where are we going?’
    ‘Somewhere we can get coffee, and talk.’
    At last he spotted an all-night diner near a silent industrial plant of some kind. Venn pulled over, got out and once again opened the door for the woman.
    When she stayed put, he jerked his head.
    ‘Come on. Out.’
    He didn’t show her his gun. He didn’t particularly want to threaten her. Besides, she’d be well aware he had it in his pocket.
    The diner

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