Olivia Gates Bestseller Collection 2012

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Book: Olivia Gates Bestseller Collection 2012 by Olivia Gates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Gates
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begging him to finish her, now, here, she tore her mouth away, settled for the words that just minutes ago she’d thought he’d have to wait a lifetime to hear.
    “I want you, Leandro.” She buried her face in his neck as she admitted this was far stronger than she was. That it scared her witless and it didn’t matter. She wanted it. Against all reason. For all reasons. “And yes…I want you more than ever. But no rush, right?” She raised her face to him, knew what he’d read there. Vulnerability, nervousness, capitulation, excitement…greed. “I’m taking you at your word about that.”
    He groaned and crushed her to him for a moment before he loosened his embrace, let her slump back in its circle in a daze. “And I always keep my word, Phoebe. I won’t sweep you into my bed. You will come to me this time.”
    She closed her eyes, let his spell claim the last corner of her sanity, and marveled at what a difference a few hours could make. She’d come here intending to deliver her arguments, stay the hell away from him, then run back to Castaldini to burrow out of sight until he’d made his decision—and bolt when he had.
    Now—just look at her. Eager to go back to Castaldini with him, and the only burrowing she wanted to do was into his arms. As if he knew, as he’d always seemed to know, he stood up, lifted her from her stool and floated her back to the dance floor, taking her precisely where she wanted to be.
    What felt like a few days of languorous, erotic torture later, she heard him rumble against her neck. “I have another promise, bella malaki. ” She threw her head back over his arm, waited for it, at peace, in torment. “I won’t rush you, but there won’t be a minute when I won’t show you how much I want you in my arms and in my bed.”

    W as it possible for a man to get older, to amass world-spanning experience and world-shaping influence, and not add one ounce of judgment or restraint? Basically, to remain a fool?
    Leandro let out a shuddering exhalation as he stared at the source of all loss of control. She was presenting him with the elegance of her profile, the sootiness of her lashes shading her silver gaze as it turned sideways to the clarity and endlessness of the horizon as they drove along the coast heading to the capital, Jawara, from the private airport where his jet had landed on Castaldini.
    Such beauty. The only kind that had completely commanded his appreciation, ruled his libido, wreaked havoc with his restraint.
    Prince Overwhelming, indeed. Says Mind-Blowing Beauty.
    He’d forgotten his plan to make her pursue him inside an hour. An hour? A minute. Within that time frame, he had barely stopped himself from dragging her down on that dance floor and taking her then and there. He’d not only succumbedto her “negotiations,” he’d practically blackmailed her into letting him do so.
    And he hadn’t stopped there. Instead of ending that blistering night by taking her back to his bed after she’d admitted her desire, he’d sat there and promised he wouldn’t.
    And here they were, with the sizzling rules of their new liaison laid down, finally in Castaldini.
    All through the trip onboard his private jet, she’d tried to keep their interaction flowing, to inject it with lightness and teasing, and he’d struggled to match her attitude.
    But it had been no use.
    There was too much tension and pent-up passion between them, too much anticipation, too much…everything.
    And that hadn’t been all. Something else had been happening. Something he’d been totally unprepared for.
    The closer they’d gotten to Castaldini, and as the reality of his return there crystallized, the more his ability to keep up the pretense had faded. He’d looked down at the island as the jet had started to descend and had felt a pressure building inside his chest, around his throat, behind his eyes. It had escalated with every meter’s descent. And it had had nothing to do with the

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