Olive and Let Die

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Book: Olive and Let Die by Susannah Hardy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susannah Hardy
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can’t say the same for Monty’s files. They’re scattered all over my living room floor.”

    I frowned. “Monty’s files? What would anyone want with a bunch of old paperwork about arrowheads?”
    â€œExactly,” Jack said. “I’d barely gotten the boxes unloaded from my Jeep, so I have to think the guy was watching me, waiting until I left. The collection is fairly large, but it’s not terribly valuable monetarily. To a scholar like my sister, yes. But the items themselves are relatively common.”
    â€œDoes it look like any of the files were taken?”
    â€œI can’t tell. I don’t think so. But the only way to know for sure is to go through them and put them back together. Trish will kill me if any of the documentation is missing.”
    â€œDid you call the police?”
    â€œJust before I called you. They don’t seem concerned, just asked me to come down and fill out a report later. It’s probably a waste of time. I think whoever it was got madthere was nothing in the apartment worth stealing and just decided to be destructive.”
    That made sense. I reviewed what I had to do that afternoon. “I need to get Melanie over here, then go see Clive at the funeral home about Doreen. I could come over tonight and help you sort out the papers.”
    Jack laughed. “You shameless minx. I’ve never heard it called that before.”
    I was glad he couldn’t see the flush that crept up my neck and face. “Oh, stop. You know what I mean.”
    â€œI do. But I couldn’t help myself. How does tomorrow look? Some of the guys from the Bay Coast Guard Station asked me out for a beer, and I thought it would be a good way to get to know them.”
    It was still a novelty to me that Jack had asked for a transfer. I sorta, kinda hoped it was because of me, but I did my best not to read too much into it. Still, if he was making friends here, there was a better chance he’d want to stay.
    â€œSounds good. Tomorrow Dolly and I will have to get the food prepped for the weekend service at the restaurant, but we can do that in the morning. Then I’ll have the afternoon free.”
    â€œSee you then. I’ll try not to be hungover.” He laughed and rang off.
    I checked the display on my screen. Good. Enough battery left to call Melanie. She picked up herself without letting the call roll over to the wandering Caitlyn.
    â€œHello.” Her voice held the barest nervous edge.
    â€œIt’s Georgie. You’re coming over to the mainland this afternoon, right? We have a meeting with the funeral home,and we should go to the bank and let them know about Doreen. I assume she had her account here in town.”
    Silence, then a long exhale. “Can’t you just take care of it? I don’t know anyone in town anymore.”
    Maybe you shouldn’t have stayed away for two decades, I thought. You might know people. Like your own granddaughter.
    â€œNo, Melanie, I cannot just take care of it. You are named as Doreen’s executrix in the will, so you’re the only one who can act officially.” A thought struck me and I wondered why it hadn’t occurred to me before. “Why exactly would Doreen leave everything to you anyway? According to the police, she knew your new name. Seems odd, considering even I didn’t know it.”
    There was another dramatic pause. “Fine. I’ll explain it when I see you. Let me see if I can get us a ride over around two o’clock.”
    â€œDon’t worry. Caitlyn knows how to get a ride.” Would she take the bait?
    â€œOf course she does. She’s very capable. Not that I like to tell her that very often. She’ll get complacent.”
    That got me nowhere. I’d just have to wait and confront her later.
    â€œFine. Two o’clock. Meet me here at the restaurant.” I hung up.
    I had an hour to kill, and it was a beautiful fall

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