Off the Cuff

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Book: Off the Cuff by Carson Kressley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carson Kressley
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you, I, your personal fashion life coach, will now tell you the seven coats I think you need to own. It’s that simple.
    1. A denim jacket. Why? Because it’s an American icon. A legend. It’s rugged, cool, and stylish. It’s James Dean. It adds a nice twist to your wardrobe, and you can wear it six months out of the year. If you’re a little dressed up and you throw the denim jacket on, instant cool. Plus—bonus, kids!—it’s affordable because it’s cotton: the fabric of our lives. The denim jacket is an amazing layering piece. It looks fantastic over a sweater or under a blazer. You’ve probably never done anything as crazy as wear a denim jacket under a
    blazer, but it works. Just trust me. Sometimes you need to try the unconventional and just see what it looks like. If you hate it, you can put your Cliff Huxtable collectible Coogi sweater back on, but you might be pleasantly surprised.
    Note to self (you, not me); You don’t want to pair a denim jacket with matching denim pants, or you’ll look like a denim-peddling ice cream man. But with just about everything else it looks fantastic.
    Just like we talked about with jeans, you want to avoid the fashion denim jacket and steer toward something like a classic Levi’s jacket. Anything that’s shiny, coated, or anything that’s been Be-Dazzled is to be avoided. And I know. I was addicted to Be-Dazzling for seven years. It’s the great enabler—worse than crack cocaine. I don’t even have any Be-Dazzled creations left to share. It’s like dumping all the booze down the drain when you get sober: You have to get rid of it all.
    Ah, but I digress. Back to your jean jacket. You should buy them basically true to fit, maybe a smidge larger than you’d normally wear because you might want to layer with a sweater. The armholes should be high, and the jacket should button snugly in the front. People tend to buy denim jackets oversized, but that’s to be avoided, unless you want to look like an extra from Saved By the Bell or Sixteen Candles .
    2. A peacoat. Every man should have a peacoat in his closet. It’s a classic, born of a great military tradition that’s stood the test of time. And in my book, anything that manages to get from the military to the gay man’s wardrobe has got to be good. Don’t ask, I’ll tell.
    The classic peacoat comes in dark-as-midnight navy blue wool and is military inspired. You can buy the real thing from an army navy surplus store. Or you can buy a fashion version from a designer. The fashion version might be a little cuddlier and more comfortable, and might be leaner in cut. But it’s your choice—either’s fine.

    Peacoats are warm and sophisticated, and look great with anything from jeans to a suit. They can be very dressed up or very casual. Guys look hot in them. Think of Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront . Hello! I came this close to joining the navy because of that look. I found myself at the recruiting office, only to learn that fashion options are somewhat limited in the military. “What is all this white after Labor Day?” I politely inquired. “It’s the uniform,” the recruiter answered. “As in, dressed like everybody else?” I asked in horror. “No, thank you!” So I marched right out of there and over to Saks Fifth Avenue, where, lucky for you and our national security, I began a career in neckwear instead.
    You might occasionally see peacoats out there in different fabrics and colors beyond basic navy wool. That’s the thing about fashion; it’s always reinventing itself. It’s the designer’s job to innovate—to dream up new interpretations.
    You’ll see peacoats in cashmere or leather or nylon. Those are all great options if you’re going to invest in more than one. If you’re just getting one, make it classic. Because

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