Off Balance (Ballet Theatre Chronicles Book 1)

Off Balance (Ballet Theatre Chronicles Book 1) by Terez Mertes Rose Page A

Book: Off Balance (Ballet Theatre Chronicles Book 1) by Terez Mertes Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terez Mertes Rose
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world. The rules and hierarchies there were different.
    A terrible thought worked its way into her mind. She’d been in the dance world for fifteen years. She’d learned to be a good observer, particularly of what was trying to remain hidden, in an environment that made no assumptions about gender attractions. Had they all been in the dance studio right then, the message Andy was giving off would read loud and clear. Back off. You are poaching what has already been claimed.
    But this was not the dance studio.
    She stumbled out of the living room, sought refuge in the bathroom. There, she splashed cold water on her face, trying to calm herself, but the suspicion planted in her mind wouldn’t go away. She thought of Andy’s eyes on Gil, the hand on Gil’s arm, the proprietary nature of it all.
    Gil owed her some explanation.
    She wiped her face, her hands, slow and deliberate in her actions, as if that might allow her to approach her next task with equal control. Finally she left the bathroom to seek out Gil, whom she found chatting with Andy at the doorway of the study.
    Gil spied her and looked alarmed. Horrified.
    She faltered. And in that terrible moment, Alice swept in, sidled up to Lana. Gil sagged visibly with relief at the sight of Alice, which cut Lana even deeper.
    “I think maybe Lana and I will head out now,” Alice said to Andy, her voice light and flirtatious, as if proposing a run to the liquor store to buy more party booze.
    Andy regarded the women in confusion.
    Lana was confused as well. Alice had draped herself all over Lana, caressing her bare arm, pressing close to her. She threaded her fingers through Lana’s long hair, as if they were lovers. Lana was too shocked to speak. Would the funhouse element of this night never end?
    A smile spread across Andy’s face. “Alice,” he said, “you are a dark horse.”
    “Ever in pursuit of that perfect stallion,” she quipped. “Or mare.”
    Her reply delighted Andy. He burst into laughter and like that, poof, he saw Lana again. He became once again the charming host, beaming, telling them goodbye, girls, glad they could both come by.
    It happened fast, Alice’s suggestion to Gil that she take his car and his agreement, his assurance that he’d find a way back to the city. Tomorrow. As the implication of this sank into Lana’s mind, Alice’s fingers dug into the soft flesh of her inner arm, a warning to keep her reaction to herself. They collected their belongings, bade Andy and Gil one last goodbye, then walked out of Andy’s Hillsborough mansion and away from whatever was happening between Andy and Gil.

Chapter 7 – The Aftermath
    They made their way down the steps into the now-chilly night air. Lana began to choke out a few strangled sobs. “Hold it in,” Alice muttered under her breath. “People are watching.”
    The valets, spying them, sprang to attention. Alice pointed out Gil’s car a quarter-block away and asked for the keys. “We’ll go get it ourselves,” she told them. “We need the walk.”
    The moonless night sky was dotted with millions of stars. It felt broader, more omnipotent than it did in San Francisco, lit by streetlights and never fully dark. A breeze sent the live oak leaves nearby rustling. Silence reigned, except for the click-click of their high heels on the asphalt and the throb of party music that receded as they continued on. She’d released her grip on Lana, but could tell the girl was trembling, taking little pained gasps of breath.
    Lana was not the only one shaken by what just transpired. An hour earlier, Alice had been congratulating herself on a coup achieved without a single hitch. Then had come the mysterious interchange with Andy, but she’d thought no more of it until Montserrat raised the alert.
    “I think Gil’s young friend could use your help,” she’d said. She gestured to Lana, who had a stunned look on her white face, like someone who’d just witnessed a crime and wasn’t sure whether

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