Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3)

Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3) by Scarlett Dawn Page A

Book: Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3) by Scarlett Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Dawn
comical when Daniil stopped right in front of his son, halting Grigori’s stalk, standing toe-to-toe with him. The cops’ gazes darted back and forth, obviously seeing the uncanny resemblance. They actually placed their hands on their guns.
    Jesus. That was so not what we needed right now.
    Grigori wouldn’t look up at his father, even as Daniil started talking to him. I couldn’t hear his words, but I could hear the deep, soothing tone he was using. I really wanted to hear what he was saying, especially because, after a few minutes, Grigori’s shoulders lowered a fraction. That would be useful information to have if he ever got this way again when his father wasn’t around. His father kept talking to him, even as his eyes darted around the room, lifting an arm and snapping his fingers at one of his bodyguards, motioning for him to come over. The bodyguard seriously looked like that was the last place he wanted to be, but he stood and walked over, Daniil only breaking his hushed words with his son to order the guy to give him his shirt.
    The shirt came off quicker than I have seen anyone undress before. Luckily, he had a white undershirt on underneath, even if it was a little sweat soaked. After the bodyguard had left them, Daniil started speaking to his son again, grabbing his hand, and making him take the shirt. I was kind of surprised he didn’t actually put it on him since he had fingered it like he was going to, rolling it up and even stretching the neck, but he didn’t.
    Sharply, Grigori’s chest expanded, and he nodded, putting the shirt on. His father placed his arm around his shoulders and guided him our way. I tensed. I didn’t want him over here right now. I glanced around and saw there were only a few remaining seats in the place and only two next to each other directly beside Roman.
    Roman didn’t look bothered with him coming over, but his face was so damn carefully blank I knew it was an act. He stood from his chair and moved down, allowing for Daniil to sit directly next to me and taking the position of comfort on Grigori’s other side.
    Daniil held my hand softly, his thumb brushing over the back of my hand while he continued speaking reassuring words to his oldest son. The cops had taken their hands off their guns, seeing that Grigori’s clone was actually calming him and not making the situation worse. My heart rate was going crazy from the drugs, and I started tapping my toe and fidgeting as silence descended on our group.
    I asked Zane, “You’re sure the drugs aren’t harmful to the babies?”
    He nodded efficiently. “Yes. They took care to make sure those weren’t.”
    Daniil paused in his talk to glance in my direction. “I’ve confirmed with the doctor too. Our babies are fine.”
    I blinked. “When did you have time to do that?”
    He smirked a little. “I have my ways.”
    Yes. Yes, he did.
    For the next hour, people in our group kept popping out of their seats to wander around, the juice in their systems not letting them relax, only to sit back down and start fidgeting like I was. The cops’ eyes were still wary, watching our group that looked like a macabre act on crack. They didn’t stop anyone’s trekking, though. They just stood there as if they could actually keep this group contained. I stifled a giggle at that thought and jumped out my seat for a little energy release of my own.
    Two hours later, Dr. Benedict entered the room, staring down at a chart. She wore scrubs and didn’t look at all tired even though the color of her clothes drained her naturally pale skin even more. The room stilled, and she flipped a sheet and kept reading, asking into the quiet, “Is there a…Grigori Kozar here?”

Grigori was already on his feet, halfway across the room before she even finished speaking. She looked up from her board, her gaze going wide at the filled room, but her eyes were instantly trapped on the man about to run her down.
    Her trained gaze ran over him, and

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