through her grandmother’s own words.
London spoke to her grandmother on the phone every
two days and Me-Len would test her on the spells she had learned. Me-Len
advised her that she was a fast learner and had a special gift. She told London
that the Tree of Life must like her because there were even some seasoned
witches who couldn’t do some of the spells she was attempting. She figured that
Me-Len was a powerful witch with all the covens wanting her to come and help
them out. Me-Len informed London that at the rate she was learning she would be
one of the most powerful witches of her time.
Me-Len cautioned her to only use the spells if she
was in danger. She stressed that she should never let her emotions get so
strong that she took matters into her own hands, and explained about her past
about how her own magic was powerful enough to defeat the covens of bad witches
who were using dark magic to gain power.
London had to tell herself over and over that she
could not turn people into toads no matter how much they deserved it. She
thought of her new friend Donnie Morgan who found one of her spells that London
had been working on. He asked if she could conjure him up a new man.
Donnie was quite a character, and he had become a
part of her family. She trusted him like she trusted Zoey, enough to let him
help her build her program. He had completed as much as he could in creating
the program, but London was the one with the gift. She was a genius when it
came to computers. Her boss, Tracy Allen, wanted her to turn the project in
tomorrow before they presented it to the Vice President of Marketing, John
Belleview. Then if it passed John, it would go to the President of the company.
“This is a great opportunity for you London.” Donnie
Looking up, London smiled at her new friend. “You
mean us. You did help me on this Donnie. This is our project, so if I go up,
then you are going with me,” London replied as she continued to scan the
“Girl, are you for real?” Donnie asked surprised. London
stopped typing and looked over at her friend.
“What do you mean?”
“Look you are in New York now and there are only a
few ways to the top: lying, cheating, or knocking someone off. You don’t have
it in you to be any of those people. You reek of goodness and smell just as
London started laughing at her eccentric friend’s
comment. “Come on, you know better. Working hard is what gets you to the top
Donnie Morgan was her only friend here in New York.
They hit it off immediately when she met him, and he showed her the ropes and
helped her out with the ins and outs of New York City.
Donnie didn’t smile back this time.
“Why are you frowning at me?” London asked.
“Because you’re being naive if you continue to
believe that, London. These people will eat you alive and spit you out before
you know what hit you. Don’t trust them, baby girl. Tracy Allen is going to
take this project, minimize your part in it, and tell them that she did the
work. I know she said this was a team, but it’s a corrupt team and that bitch
is going to do it. You need to prepare yourself for that.” London was taken aback
at what Donnie was saying.
“No she won’t. She told me that she would tell them
who wrote this program and that it was a team effort, so that we would all
prosper from it. I have to trust her.” London argued as she watched Donnie
shake his head. She was worried now, because that was the only way she knew how
to be, honest and trustful to people. Her favorite quote was from Colin Powell,
and she believed in that philosophy on getting to the top. “A dream doesn’t
become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”
Her boss walked into her office just before their
ten o’clock meeting with the Vice President of Marketing. “Is it ready?” Tracy
“Yes, yes ma’am it is. Just put the disk in and the
program will start. You can go
Alexander McCall Smith
C. A. Belmond
Aaron Johnston
Carol J. Perry
Trevor Shane
Perri O'Shaughnessy
Kent Conwell
Anthony Hecht
Charlotte MacLeod
Paul Feeney