Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation
sun! 18 Yes, the sun, that massive fiery ball in the sky that enables life on our planet. A bombshell, I know. But if you're losing sleep over such mild warming in the last century, don't. We've now entered a cooling period, one that has brought temperatures down to where they were in 1930. 19
    But rather than present students with both sides of the argument, our "academic" institutions have instead pursued the path of liberal propaganda. In an effort to gobble up as many federal research dollars as possible, once-freethinking and intellectually independent science departments have instead towed the Obama Zombie line while lining up at the federal trough to receive Al Gore-sized portions of taxpayer largesse. The goal: use academicians as megaphones to blast the liberal message far and wide with the hope that graduates will soon constitute a green voting bloc that will forever change the electoral map. Hence the brainwashed likes of a Claire Roby. Poor woman . . . by the time she graduated, her mind was so scrambled she was giving garbage to loved ones for Christmas.
    Think I'm overstating academia's role? This headline from the
Chronicle of Higher Education
says it all. "Saving the Planet, by Degrees." 20 The reporter, Piper Fogg, detailed how courses premised on environmentalism have been injected into curricula. So what are students learning in these "saving the planet" courses? If the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities is any indicator, nothing useful. Students there maintain a "trash journal" to catalog "every scrap of paper used or banana peel chucked." One wonders how much carbon they emit punching their sinful deeds into a computer that emits carbon.Let's pray that professors don't actually make these students print out their work on--gasp!--
when submitting class essays!
    The indoctrination runs so deep that, in a moment of candor, the
Boston Globe
led off a story this way: "When historians look back on this decade and at what had college campuses most fired up, it won't be the war, or the economy, Obama-mania, or even Britney's babies. It will be a color." 21 As the
noted, there "is no Green Book of eco-friendly schools, but sustainability is already a campus buzzword." Ah yes,
That's the word academics use to push their green agenda these days. The
as "leav[ing] enough resources so our children can live as well as we do now."
Chronicle of Higher Education
defines a "sustainable university" as one "that promotes the concept of meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Getting past the academic gobbledygook, college administrators are using the buzzword
to promote the left's environmentalism. Specifically, explained the
, they're vowing to "curb carbon emissions," "buy green energy," "reduce waste," "serve organic food," "purchase hybrid cars," "appoint sustainability directors," "build green dormitories," and "plant native shrubbery." 22
    Other schools, including Skidmore College in upstate New York, are "fighting" global warming by imploring students to "Do It in the Dark." 23 How romantic. Nothing like saving the planet, one sex act at a time. Classy.
    "Trayless Tuesdays" are another Obama Zombie favorite. Many institutions, including Cornell University, Skidmore, and the Rochester Institute of Technology, have banished or limited the use of trays in dining halls, all under the banner of "sustainability." The fewer trays, the less water used to wash the trays. The less waterused, the less energy consumption. However, "trayless Tuesdays" have unintended consequences, as the
New York Times
points out: they clog up cafeteria lines and elongate dining hours, since students need to keep leaving their table to get more food than their two hands can carry without a tray. 24 And let's pray that all that walking back and forth doesn't make them increase their breathing, because

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