Now You See Me

Now You See Me by Rachel Carrington Page A

Book: Now You See Me by Rachel Carrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carrington
Tags: Erótica
glasses sliding to the tip of his nose. “You don’t understand, Warden. That mushroom has to be poisonous. It’s the only way it could produce the symptoms he’s having. Have you seen his face? It’s blue. That’s not caused by a shitake.”
    Brad couldn’t begin to describe how badly he wanted to tell the guards to step back, instruct the doctor to leave. The state might not be able to execute Ramsey right now but Brad could allow nature to take its course now that the killer had offered the option.
    “Does anyone know where the mushroom came from?” The question was met with blank stares.
    “The ambulance is here.” Deputy Downing dropped a hand to Brad’s shoulder. “I know what you’re thinking, but he has to get medical treatment.”
    Brad’s lips curved into a snarl. “Yeah, by all means, let’s make sure the serial killer gets help so he doesn’t die. How many women did he torture and murder while he was out? I’m sure they wished someone would have intervened on their behalf.”
    As all eyes trained on Brad’s face, he released a sigh and waved a hand. “Don’t mind me. Long day. I want four men on him at all times. If the doctors give you any trouble tell them to call me. He is not to be alone in that hospital room. Is that understood?”
    The guard kneeling beside Ramsey nodded. “Yes, sir.”
    “David, call local PD and have them send over two officers to shift outside Ramsey’s room. He needs to be on a clear floor, if possible, and as far away from other patients as they can get him.”
    “I’m on it.” Downing started to walk away then paused to add, “Are you coming?”
    Not a good idea considering how much he wanted the doctors to make a mistake. Just one missed step and Kate could go back to a normal life. Damn. Better for him to walk away. “I’ve got to get back. You got things here?”
    “One more thing.” Brad caught up with his assistant. “Find out how Ramsey got that mushroom.”
    Surprise flashed in Downing’s eyes. “Do you really think that’s the best use of our resources?”
    Nerves already jangling, Brad leaned in so only Downing could hear his next words. “Somehow Ramsey got a hold of a poisonous mushroom, which tells me someone on the outside has access to this prison. So you’re damn right it’s a good use of our resources. If we find who brought Ramsey his ticket to the hospital, we’ll find whoever it is that’s been stalking Kate.”
    Downing continued to stare at him for a moment longer before he inclined his head. “Whatever you say.”
    As he walked away, Brad watched him for a moment. The guy had never questioned his decisions before. So why now? Why wouldn’t he want to know where the mushroom had come from? He didn’t have long to think before the clanging of wheels on concrete signaled the approach of medical help.
    Paramedics wheeled a gurney down the hall and stopped outside Ramsey’s cell. As the prison doctor explained the situation, the men began the process of transport.
    Brad didn’t move back until Ramsey had been properly cuffed to the gurney. Three guards approached from the opposite end of the corridor, falling into flanking positions beside him.
    “Don’t take your eyes off him.” Brad ground out each word. If Ramsey thought eating a mushroom was going to be his get out of jail free card, he was sadly mistaken. He could ingest an entire fungus garden and Brad would still cart his ass back to prison the second the doctors released him.
    He retreated to his office once the ambulance pulled away. His hands shook when he logged on to his computer, and he cursed. John Ramsey had the ability to take away all of his restraint, to send him to a dark place where rational didn’t exist.
    After a brief check of the day’s activities Brad locked the computer down and headed toward the door, dialing Kate’s number on his way out. It rang three times, then went to voice mail.
    Brad tried his home number on his way to

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