Not Fit for a King?

Not Fit for a King? by Jane Porter Page A

Book: Not Fit for a King? by Jane Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Porter
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miss Mama, too.”
    Tinny wiped tears away with the back of his wrist. “Bed now. Story.”
    Zale nodded and patted his brother’s knee. “Yes, let’s get you to bed and we’ll read you a story. Okay?”
    Mrs. Sivka held Tinny’s hand as they walked back to his suite. Zale and Hannah followed. Tinny was babbling to himself, and rocking back and forth as he walked.
    “It takes him a while to calm down once he’s upset,” Zale said to Hannah.
    “He still misses your mother.”
    Zale’s expression was troubled. “It’s hard, because there’s nothing I can do. There’s no way I can fix this. He was so attached to my mother, and she was very devoted to him. She spent nearly all of her time with him.”
    “How did he get to my room?”
    “He slipped away from Mrs. Daum while they were out walking after dinner. There are hundreds of hidden doors and secret passage ways in the palace and when he disappeared, Mrs. Daum went one way, my brother went another and panic ensued.”
    “Does he go to the Queen’s Chambers often?”
    “He used to, but hasn’t in almost a year. That’s why no one went there first.”
    They’d reached Tinny’s suite and Zale offered to help get his brother changed into his pajamas, but Mrs. Sivka refused, saying she thought His Majesty and Her Highness should spend the time together. “Once all the guests arrive for the wedding, you won’t have time to be alone, so take advantage of the time now.”
    Hannah hugged Prince Constantine. “Good night, Tinny,” she said in Raguvian, kissing his cheek. “Sleep tight,” she added in English.
    Tinny squeezed her hard. “Night, Em-mie.”
    Emmie. Such a sweet nickname for Princess Emmeline. Hannah fought the lump in her throat.
    Zale was saying good-night to his brother now, and Hannah turned to Mrs. Sivka, her emotions raw. “You’re absolutely wonderful, Mrs. Sivka,” she said huskily, tears not far off. “I’m so glad I got to meet you tonight, and I think His Majesty was very lucky to have you as his nanny.”
    “I still think of him as mine,” the nanny answered quietly. “They are my boys, even if they are now men.” She hesitated, her gaze searching Hannah’s. “Are you settling in all right, Your Highness? Is everything to your liking?”
    “Everything is wonderful, thank you.”
    “I understand you visited His Majesty’s island today. It was a good day to go to the beach.”
    “It was. A beautiful day. But then everything has been lovely here, and everyone has been so kind.”
    “Do you think you could be happy here?”
    “I do.”
    “And His Majesty? Is he being good to you?”
    Hannah shot Zale a swift glance. She couldn’t help but notice he was listening. Of course he’d listen now. “He’s trying,” she said, lips twitching.
    “I think it’s time to separate the two of you,” he interjected,taking Hannah’s hand in his. “Come, Emmeline. And good night, Mrs. Sivka, I’ll see you in the morning.”
    Still holding hands, Zale and Hannah walked back to the grand staircase and across to the other wing. Hannah loved the feel of Zale’s large, strong hand against hers, his fingers intertwined. It was such a small thing to hold hands, not at all sexual, but rather loving and tender, which is maybe why it felt so special to Hannah. With Zale like this, she felt completely happy. Completely herself.
    “Mrs. Sivka said that my rooms are the Queen’s Chambers,” Hannah said as they turned the corner and walked down the elegant corridor that led to her suite.
    “They are,” Zale answered, nodding acknowledgment to a palace guard stationed in the hall.
    “But why would the Queen’s Chambers be so far from the King’s? Your rooms are in Tinny’s wing, which is a good walk from here.”
    “Not all kings wanted their queens next door,” Zale said, reaching her suite’s outer door. “Because the kings had lovers?” “Possibly. But there’s another explanation.” “What’s that?”
    “Not all

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