mean, when you are about to die, who thanks Soledad O’Brien and David Gergen? (Certainly not Jeff Zucker.) The guy actually wrote:
Jeffrey Toobin and David Gergen, you are political geniuses and modern scholars. Hopefully Toobin is nominated for the Supreme Court and implements some damn common sense and reasoning instead of partisan bickering. But in true Toobin fashion, we all know he would not accept the nomination.
(Note: Representative of this guy’s psychosis is that he actually thought there was a “true Toobin fashion,” a reality break on par with admiring David Gergen, who may be Bigfoot after a good shave.) This drivel is toxic. Seriously, if this guy doesn’t shoot you, he could bore you to death. Too bad he didn’t read the thing out loud to himself first. He would have dropped dead.
Now this troubled vet is roaming in the woods, well armed and dangerous. Given his circumstances, I’m waiting for the White House, in the spirit of Benghazi, to arrest the producers of
First Blood
. After all, the guy who made the anti-Islam videoblamed for the death of Americans in Benghazi landed in jail. You can just as easily blame Sly Stallone for this, as well as everything else that’s occurred since
Meanwhile nearly all the media covering the Dorner story avoids stuff in the manifesto containing pro-liberal sentiment. This is the same media that, when the Gabby Giffords shooting took place, immediately pointed fingers at Sarah Palin because of a graphic design element (a crosshair) on her website. You can bet if Dorner’s manifesto had lauded the Tea Party, Piers Morgan would have been screeching at the top of his limey, affected lungs. Instead, the murderer lauds Piers, and he remains strangely silent, which in and of itself is kind of a relief. He’s no Benny Hill. Point is: Dorner happened to like the right people.
More important, the psycho was a suspect in the murders of three people, including a police officer and the daughter of Dorner’s former lawyer. You’d think every person on the planet would find this unacceptable, but you’d be wrong. Nope, this thug had a group of fanatical supporters all over the Web, populating Twitter with hashtags like #GodornerGo and #Weareall-ChrisDorner. Why the love? Rebellion is sexy. The idea that a man is on the run, battling this vastly bigger police force, seems cool. And for idiots living in an idiot culture, the actual victims of this coolness are quickly forgotten. No one really talks about all the innocents Che Guevara killed. Then they’d have to stop wearing that stupid fucking shirt. (But Che did us all two favors: One, he reminded us that anyone wearing a beret should be ridiculed; and two, he helped us quickly identify some of the true assholes among us. They’re wearing Che shirts.)
Note: Perhaps the Twitter “We are all Chris Dorner” nonsense is actually accurate. Because if you’re a jackass who falls for this shallow romance of evil, it does make you the same as thekiller you adore. Well, maybe they aren’t all Chris Dorner—they actually might be worse. They are Chris Dorner’s
. Their own cheap, deluded values are actually
. How many do you think were wearing Che T-shirts? And berets?
It is worth noting that when it came to killers like Tookie Williams and Mumia Abu-Jamal, it took some time for leftists to lionize the thugs. Now it happens in real time, before the guy’s even apprehended, or even dead (which must be the “progress” part of “progressive”). Why wait until they get to death row, when you can be the first on your block to proclaim the innocence of a murderer? Now you can beat everyone in expressing your cool cred by proclaiming the innocence of a killer while he’s actually still doing the killing. It’s like watching
without paying for Showtime!
About these morons who cheerlead death and murderers: It’s really never about the killer. It’s about them. It’s about attaching
Kathy Charles
Wylie Snow
Tonya Burrows
Meg Benjamin
Sarah Andrews
Liz Schulte
Kylie Ladd
Cathy Maxwell
Terry Brooks
Gary Snyder