Northern Knight
summarily despatched.  He had no further need of me.  I wondered if someone had spoken of the affection of the Empress towards me.
    Thus dismissed I went to inform my men.  I told Rolf the news and he clasped my arm.  "Perhaps it is for the best that you do not say goodbye to the Empress, my friend, eh? Go and see your wife and your son and make more children." Rolf was a wise knight and he watched and listened as all good leaders do.  I knew that he was right.  It hurt me to do it but I could not allow myself the luxury of saying goodbye to the Empress.
    Later, as the two laden ships headed out to sea I looked at the castle of Caen. I hoped that Matilda would come to the battlements and wave but the walls remained devoid of any ladies.  Rolf was right.  This clean break was for the best.

Part 2
Lord of the Valley

Chapter 6
    We reached home in late summer.  The journey had not ended in London for we had to march north with our horses and we used the time to recruit more men at arms and archers. With the wars in the west and the north over there were many spare men at arms who sought employment. We even found more Welsh archers.  Sherwood had been quiet for some time and that source appeared to have dried up.
    I gave Edward the manor of Thornaby. He was delighted.  He had been a man at arms for years and suddenly he was a man of substance. He would now have to bear the expense of men at arms but he accepted that burden.  Some of the other men at arms we had hired would be serving my other knights and I would need to find another two knights to serve with me. I was not looking forward to that.  I had made a wise choice with Edward but Richard had almost done for me. I needed to use better judgement.
    As we passed the tiny manor of Thornaby, Edward and I inspected it.  Lying across the river from Stockton it had been just two farms and a few huts when we had arrived. The security we had brought meant it had prospered.  The wolf winter had cost us one family but more had arrived to replace them. The river sometimes flooded and that brought the bounty of richer harvests.   The farmers who lived there would do well so long as they learned to work with nature. There were now half a dozen farms and would bring an income to Sir Edward.
    Edward's experienced eye took it all in. "I would have my hall there on the high ground."
    "Would you not wish a castle?"
    "No, Baron, Stockton is close enough to afford us protection. Stone castles are expensive. I have little enough to spare at the moment. I will have my men begin to hew wood from the river bank tomorrow.  We have time enough to build before winter."
    "Good.  Now let us get to the ferry, I am anxious to see my family."
    As we waited for Ethelred I viewed my castle as though for the first time.  It was not large.  Although we had built three floors in the keep the lower one was below ground.  With just one hall and one antechamber it was almost an old fashioned warrior hall but it had a river running around three sides and it had a curtain wall.  We could defend it. It was my castle. In time it could be enlarged.  Perhaps that would be a task for my son, William.
    As Ethelred's man pulled us across on the ferry I wondered about replacing the wooden towers at the top of the castle.  I had talked myself out of it by the time we had reached the north shore.  It would be expensive and it was unnecessary, at the moment. We had other needs now.  A bigger stable would be needed and an armoury.  Both could be built against the walls of the keep.  They would add protection and heat in winter. In addition I had much to do as Lord of the Valley.  The grand title meant more work.  It would also mean more taxes for me but my main role would be as defender of the Tees.
    Adela and my son came to greet me.  He had grown immeasurably since I had been away.  Travelling from Caen meant I was dirty and unkempt. I must have frightened him. He burst into tears when he saw

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