North Cape

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Book: North Cape by Joe Poyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Poyer
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questioningly at Larkin, but Larkin was gazing in deep absorption at the design on his coffee cup.
    The top sheet was an instruction page for the five that followed. It held one small paragraph that immediately caught Folsom's eye. If he accepted the terms of the attached contract and signed, he would be "liable to twenty years in a federal prison or $20,000
    fine or both if he revealed to any unauthorized person or persons any material or information given to him in connection with that relayed to him by Captain Henly Larkin, USN, Commanding Officer of the battle cruiser U.S.S. Robert F. Kennedy, or in any way violated the provisions of the National Defense Act." The rest of the forms were standard Department of Defense Top Secret Clearance sheets, already filled out and dated the day he had received his Top Secret clearance. Puzzled, Folsom turned the pages until he came to the last. It was a simple, green-colored sheet with a short list of questions and space for his signature and the date. It was headed "Q" Prime Clearance. He whistled softly. He had heard of the QPC, but never had expected to receive it. Usually, it was a clearance reserved for the President, cabinet officers, and the joint Chiefs of Staff, to whom there were no secrets. Not even the highest-ranking members of Congress got that one. He looked up.
    "Rather surprising, isn't it? But that's how important this project is. Will you sign the form?"
    Folsom nodded, and Larkin handed him a pen.
    "Then do so," he said quietly. Folsom scribbled his name and added the date.
    "You are now cleared to receive 'Q' Prime information," Larkin said. "The clearance search was run the day you came aboard, and if something had happened to me while we were on duty you would have found all of the instructions in my safe. The decision as to when to bring you into the project was left up to me. Because I believe that the fewer people who know about this project
    the safer it will be, I have not done so until now." He paused to drink slowly.
    "Why did you decide now that I should know about it?" Folsom asked much more calmly than he felt.
    Larkin waved his hand in a manner to take in the ship and the storm raging outside. "To date there has been no emergency that has warranted it. But now there is what you might call a proper combination of circumstances. As I said, the Russians are onto our most closely guarded secret since the Manhattan Project. Additionally, the sea is running into one of the worst storms on record and our ship could be in very serious danger. In the next few hours you are going to have to have a full understanding as to why we are not going to be able to do anything more than complete our assigned mission at all costs. And, if we survive the storm, we may have trouble of a kind we have never encountered before except in practice"—Larkin hesitated, letting the tension build—"Soviet submarines may be out to sink us." Folsom stared at him, wondering if the old man had not finally succumbed to the pressures of commanding a ship. As if aware of what he was thinking, Larkin grinned and shook his head. "No, I haven't gone out of my mind." He got up and pulled a map from the desk drawer and spread it on the table. It was a map of the northern Eastern hemisphere showing the Soviet Union, Europe, and the Arctic. On it was penciled in red a line paralleling the go° meridian to the Sinkiang border, then swinging north in a long, curving arc across the Soviet Union to their rendezvous position off the Ryabchi Peninsula of Scandinavia.
    "This map shows the flight path of one of our three specially equipped reconnaissance aircraft. The aircraft is capable of speeds in excess of Mach 5 and flight times of . . ." For a long time Folsom listened to the dry matter-of-fact voice explaining one of the nation's most closely guarded secrets. After the first few minutes he recovered quickly from the astonishment accompanying the discovery of the exact depth and extent of the

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