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coloring. “It is supposed to encourage the begetting of children, and in this part of theworld that is very important to a young family, as you can imagine. So we, must simply… make the bestof it.” She glanced at him, crimson, and said, “I am sorry. I know this will make it worse—”
    He shook his head. “Actually, I don’t think so,” he said, smiling. “If anything, that kind of thing wouldtend to put me off anyhow.” He saw the flicker of guilt again in her face, and ached to comfort andreassure her.

    “Look,” he said gently, “think of it this way: let them have their fun, but we can do as we please, and that
    will be our secret, as it should be. In our own time. So we can sit back and ignore their nonsense.”
    She sighed and smiled at him. She said softly, “If you really think of it that way…”
    “I do, love.”
    “I’m so glad,” she said in a whisper. “Look, Ellemir is being pulled away by all the girls.” She added quickly, at his look of dismay, “No, they’re not hurting her, it’s only the custom that a bride should struggle and fight a little. It comes from the days when girls were married off without consent, but it’s only a joke now. See, Father’s body-servants have taken my father away, and Leonie will withdraw too, so the young folk can make all the noise they like.”
    But Leonie was not withdrawing; she came and stood beside them, still and somber in her crimsondraperies.
    “Callista, child, do you want me to stay? Perhaps in my presence the jokes will be a little more
    restrained and seemly.”
    Andrew could sense how much Callista longed for this, but she smiled and touched Leonie’s hand, thefeather-touch customary among telepaths. “I thank you, kinswoman. But I… I must not start by cheatingeveryone of their fun. No bride ever died of embarrassment, and I am sure I shall not be the first.” And Andrew, looking at her, bravely steeled to endure without complaint whatever obscene horseplay theyhad created for a Keeper who gave up her ritual virginity, remembered the gallant girl who had madebrave little jokes, even when she was a prisoner, alone and terrified in the caves of Corresanti.
    It is for this that I love her so , he told himself.
    Leonie said, very gently, “As you will, then, darling. Take my blessing.” She bowed gravely to them bothand went away.
    As if her withdrawal had loosed the floodgates, a tide of young men and girls came surging up to them infull flood.

    “Callista, Ann’dra, you waste time here, the night is wearing away. Have you nothing better to do this
    night than talk?”

    Page 44

    He saw Damon being pulled along by Dezi; Domenic grasped his own hand and he was drawn awayfrom Callista, saw the flood of young girls surge up around her and conceal her from him. Someoneshouted out, “We’ll make sure she’s ready for you, Ann’dra, so you needn’t defile these holy robes ofhers!”
    “Come along, both of you,” Domenic cried, in high good spirits. “These fellows would rather stay here
    drinking all night, I am sure, but now they must do their duty, a bride must not be kept waiting.”
    He and Damon were hauled up the stairs, shoved into the living room of the suite they had prepared thismorning. “Don’t get them mixed up now,” the Guardsman Caradoc called out drunkenly. “When thebrides are twins, how is a mere husband, and drunk at that, to know if he lies in the arms of the rightwoman?”

    “What difference does it make?” asked a strange young man. “That is for them to settle among themselves, is it not? And when the lamp is out, one woman is like another. If they are confused between left hand and right, what difference does it make?”
    “We must start with Damon. He has lost so much time that he must make haste to do his duty to his clan,” Domenic said gaily. Damon was quickly stripped of his clothing and wrapped in a long robe. The bedroom door was opened with ceremony and Andrew could see

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