know how you can do this, but we’ll help him. As much as we can. But
Victor, he pays out of the ass for this.”
    Chris smiled. “He will. Before the day is
out, he’s going to pay for his actions. But as before, don’t interfere. If you
do, everything will go to shit.” When both of them agreed, she turned back to
Victor. “You have been a terrible person all your life. And you are never going
to be any better. That being said, you’re going to kick your son out of the
house and disown him. You’ll never have a thing to do with him again when he
tells you that he can’t do this anymore. Once you hear those words, you are
going to take a swing at your son. Understand?”
    As soon as Victor nodded, Chris turned to
Walter. The boy had been abused, but not only by his father. His mother, a
milksop as she’d heard Katie call her, had been equally horrible to the young
man…not with her fists, but with her verbal abuse to him. Chris put her hand on
Walter’s head and pushed enough of the little confidence he had to the front
and made him aware of his actions. Not just now, but things that could go wrong
soon if he didn’t stand up to his father.
    “Tell him you can’t be a bully anymore. And
when he walks away from you, you’re going to go to Nolan Bentley and beg him
for forgiveness. It will be the only thing that saves you from prison. If you
don’t heed my words, Walter, things will go badly for you. Much worse than they
were with your father. But in this, like all things, you have free will. It
will be up to you what becomes of this.” Chris giving him a glimpse of what
could happen to him made Walter whimper, but he nodded at her. Tears began to
fall on his face when she showed him what could be should he want it. “Tell him
as soon as he turns to you, Walter. It will work out if you wish for it to.”
    As she sat back down, she felt Joey touch her
mind. She told him what she’d done, and he asked her if she was all right.
    I am. I don’t care for using this stuff, but
when it helps out someone that really needs it, it’s not so bad. He told her that he
loved her. And I do you as well. With all my heart and soul.
    Heath was just by. He said that once we have
ten of these horses ready to ship out, he’ll have a list of more for us. I
think we’re going to be doing this for a long time. Chris asked him if
he was all right with them taking in horses and other animals and giving them
the love and second chance that they needed. I am. We might have to hire a
few more men. I want to make sure that there is enough all the time here so
when we can get away, we don’t have to worry about the ranch.
    I think I might have someone in mind. He’s
the boy that hurt Shane. She told him what she’d done and found out. He’s
going to need all of our help, and I think this might just be it.
    If you’re sure. She told him that she
was . Good. Then make sure that he knows when he fucks up, I will fuck him
    He won’t. Looking around the room as she told
him she’d get back to him, Chris snapped her fingers. The trance left their
minds, and she watched Victor as he tried his best to figure out what had
happened to him. When he turned to her, she simply smiled at him.
    “What are you smiling at, bitch? You think
you have the upper hand?” She said nothing, waiting for him to turn to his son.
And he would soon. Then she’d have what she needed. “My boy here, he’s not done
a damned thing wrong, and I’m not going to let you tell the world what you
think might have happened.” Victor turned to his son when he called to his
    “I can’t.” Walter stood up and looked at her,
then at Nolan and Rylee. “I’m very sorry for what I did to Shane. More than you
can know. But I won’t do it again. I can’t…I don’t want to hurt anyone again.”
    “You what? You think you can just say that
and not have repercussions, boy? You take that back right now or, so help me,
I’m going to disown you. You

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