Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection

Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection by Silhouette Nocturne Page B

Book: Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection by Silhouette Nocturne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silhouette Nocturne
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flooded through her and she uncocked the gun, but she didn’t lower it. “What the hell are you doing breaking into my house, Ron?”
    “I found the spare key.” The desk lamp came on and Ron held up a picture he’d removed from the wall. “We were so young and full of piss back then. Just like you.” He chuckled as he laid the picture on the desk. She glanced at the photo of her father, Hank and Ron. They all wore smug smiles and had their arms slung around each other’s shoulders. Her mother had told her the photo was taken the day they’d graduated from the police academy.
    Past friend of her father’s or not, she didn’t appreciate his making himself comfortable in her home, not to mention summarily dismissing her at work that day.
    She narrowed her gaze and held her gun toward him. “What do you want?”
    He heaved a tired sigh. “Put the gun away, Kaitlyn. I’m here to talk to you about the Tacomi case. We need to be very careful how we proceed. Obviously there’s someone feeding information to the Mafia or Garotters from within our department.”
    She sat down in the chair across from the desk, dumbfounded, considering how he had treated her earlier. “Are you telling me you never were dismissing me from the case?”
    Ron slowly shook his head. “But I had to make it look like I was, since I have no idea how the Garotters and Mafia knew that you were on the case. You were right. I got a threatening call. They wanted you called off.”
    “Damn, Ron, you should’ve considered a career in acting. You were that freakin’ convincing!” Rubbing her hands together, she said, “Okay, now here’s my idea—”
    He put up a finger to halt her enthusiasm. “You’re on the case, but it’ll be strictly behind the scenes.”
    “That’s not fa—”
    “Think about it for a minute, Kaitlyn. If someone sees you actively checking into things, they’ll know we’re still onto them—that you’re still working the case. Because this might potentially involve a dirty cop, you’ll still be in the loop in case I need backup.”
    Kaitlyn didn’t like it, but Ron was right. Now that she’d been made, the Garotters and Mafia would be watching her. She wanted this win, no matter who was on the front line. “What do you want me to do?”
    Ron smiled and got up from the chair to come around the desk. “You’re so much like your dad.” His expression fell a little as he mumbled, “Well, like he was in the early days.”
    The early days? What’d he mean by that? Kaitlyn started to ask when Ron plunged on with his plans. “I memorized the dates and Tacomi truck routes before I shredded your document. I’ll pick a small three-man team of men I feel I can trust. We’ll stake out each route on the different dates until we catch the bastards in action.”
    She stood and faced him, creasing her brow in concern. “I hate to state the obvious here, but if there’s a snitch within the department, shouldn’t we be calling Internal Affairs?”
    He gave a half smile. “Yeah, and we will, but I don’t want their investigation to impede this one. This is a small window of time. We might not get another opportunity like this again.” A smug look crossed his oval-shaped face. “Anyway, it might be a moot point. Once we catch the Mafia members and Garotters responsible, they’ll probably roll over on their mole in the department.”
    Before she could say a word, he pulled her close and hugged her. “Your dad, Hank and I were like brothers. I want you to stay safe.”
    “I want to help,” she mumbled against his shirt before she pushed away.
    “Don’t coddle me, Ron.”
    He gripped her shoulders, his gaze locking with hers. “You’re important in this. You’re my point person, Kaitlyn. I’ll keep you in the loop when things start moving.”

    Crisp fall wind, carrying exhaust fumes and the strong aroma of bratwurst and sauerkraut from a side stand, whipped around Kaitlyn. As she walked from her car up the

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