Nobody Does It Better
would be totally thrilled if they went to school together- not that she was going to say anything until Blair found out she was off Yale's wait list. Blair could be kind of unreasonable when Serena had something she wanted for herself.
    Kind of?!

Gossip Girl 07 - Nobody Does It Better
    “Brave soul.” A tall blond boy wearing an open-collared black oxford-cloth shirt greeted Blair as she stepped off the elevator alone and into Stanford Parris III's country club of an apartment. “Everyone else was dragged here by their parents. One guy even bagged, so his parents had to come alone.”
    Wonder who that was?
    “I'm Stanford Paris the Fifth, by the way.” The boy extended his hands and flashed her a proud smile that seemed to say, “As if you didn't know that.”
    Blair grinned back. She loved boys with titles, especially tall blond ones with cute dimples in their chins, and especially ones who where going to Yale next year. “Blair Waldorf,” she said shaking his hand. She fingered the custom-engraved Cartier pendant at her throat- the very same one she'd stolen from her baby sister. It was a simple nameplate, just the word Yale in gold cursive, tied with a light blue satin ribbon around her neck. “So where are your parents?” she demanded.
    “In Scotland
     . We have a castle there,” Stan 5 boasted casually.
    Blair giggles. “So do we! My aunt lives there.”
    Aw, isn't that cute? If they got married and honeymooned in Scotland
     , they could go castle-hoping!
    “Anyway, this is Granddad's party. I'm just here to...” Stan 5 paused and cleared his throat, as if he'd momentarily forgotten why he was there. Or maybe he'd just drunk too much scotch. “To get out class excited for next,” he explained finally.
    Blair rubbed her well-glossed lips together. Stanford Parris's grandson. She'd stumbled upon the youngest member of one of Yale's mosty influential alumnae families without even trying! If anyone could get her off the wait list and into Yale, he could.
    Stan 5 pointed to the Yale pendant at her throat. “That's unusual,” he observed. “Guess you're really excited about next year, huh?”
    That's one way of putting it.
    Blair blushed fiercely. She had prepared herself for this sort of question. “My parents had it made for me when I found out I was in,” was what she'd planned on saying. But she opted for the truth. She stood on tiptoe and cupped her hand around Stan 5's aristocratic ear. “I'm not actually in yet,” she whispered. “I got wait-listed.”
    “Well, we'll just have to see what we can do about that,” Stan 5 chuckled sympathetically. He snatched two flutes of champagne off a passing tray and handed her one. They clinked glasses and a little thrill ran up Blair's spine. She was about to get lucky, she could just tell.
    In more ways than one!
    Suddenly there was a rustle of tulle and Nate's mother enveloped her in a Chanel No.5- soaked embrace. “Darling, where is Nate?” Mrs. Archibald demanded in her dramatic, Anglo-French accent.
    Blair didn't want to have to explain to Stan 5 who Nate was, and she didn't want Nate's mom to think she couldn't keep her own boyfriend. But she also didn't want her to suspect that she was hiding something. After all, she was dying to find out where Nate was too- so she could kick the shit out of him.
    “I've been staying at the Plaza, so I haven't had the chance to check my messages at home,” she responded vaguely. “I think maybe his cell phone broke or something because he never answers.”
    “I know.” Mrs. Archibald pursed her fiery red lipsticked lips. “The gardener found his cell phone on the roof.” She raised her eyebrows suspiciously. “You sure he's not staying at the Plaza with you?”
    Blair glanced self-consciously at Stan 5 and then shook her head, refusing to have to admit to your boyfriend's mom that actually no, you hadn't managed to lock him up in a

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