No Use By Date For Love

No Use By Date For Love by Rachel Clark Page B

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Authors: Rachel Clark
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    Teagan stood at the door, yelling through the glass. Her eyes looked wild with panic. Still clumsy, Bec unlocked the glass and screen doors and opened them wide to let her in.
    It felt like being hit by a pro footballer. Teagan launched into the kitchen and tackled Bec around her middle. Surprised, Bec stumbled backward into the living room and onto the couch.
    "Teag? What the hell?"
    "What did you take?" Teagan screamed in her face.
    Confused by the question and alarmed at her friend's obvious distress, Bec looked directly into Teagan's eyes with a completely blank look on her face.
    Another voice caught her attention. Its tone deeper and louder, but no less concerned. "Bec? Bec, honey, tell us what you took."
    Sprawled awkwardly on the couch with Teagan's thin body holding her down and Justin's concerned face mere inches from hers, she suddenly understood. They thought she'd tried to overdose.
    "No, nothing."
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    Rachel Clark
    Swallowing with difficulty, she tried to be clearer.
    "Nothing. I didn't take anything. I'm tired, and I ache from head to toe, but I haven't taken anything."
    Two sets of eyes studied her closely. Bec closed hers trying to hide the pain she'd lived with since her husband's little announcement, and then she lay back on the lounge and took inventory on her situation.
    It was the middle of the night, and she lay slumped on her lounge as her two best friends in the world studied her for signs of drug overdose. She was financially devastated, more than a few pounds heavier than she liked, and to top it off, according to her ex-husband, she was beyond her use by date.
    The situation felt so utterly ridiculous.
    Softly, she began to laugh.
    Teagan eased away and wound her arms tightly around Bec's waist as Justin slid onto the couch and wrapped his arms around both women. They held her in their comforting embrace as her laughter turned hysterical and continued to hold her as she, once again, gave into the urge to cry.
    Embarrassed but relieved they travelled so far to be here for her when she needed them most, she eventually fell silent. Giving into her exhaustion she finally fell into a heavy sleep.
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    No Use By Date for Love

Chapter 2
    A shaft of light spilled through the open curtains and straight into Bec's eyes. She squinted against the harsh brightness and burrowed closer to the warm and very solid male presence behind her. She smiled sleepily, enjoying the feeling of being cherished and protected.
    When was the last time she'd woken feeling this content?
    Bec stiffened and tried to blink her eyes into focus. She glanced around and found that she lay curled on her couch in her living room.
    Her head still ached, and her brain refused to work, but the sudden realization that she lay cuddled up to her best friend's husband hit her like a speeding truck.
    Panic and shame made her scramble off the lounge, but before she could get herself untangled from the blanket, a solid pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her back down to lay her head on a warm shoulder.
    "Ssshhhh…it's okay, sweetheart. Just relax and go back to sleep."
    She felt so tempted to do exactly as that low, thrumming voice ordered, but Bec's conscience screamed at her to extract herself from anything that could hurt Teagan and damage their friendship. Justin may have been her best friend years ago, but Teagan was his wife now, and Bec knew she had no right to lie with him on her couch in such an intimate fashion.
    As if he could read her mind and understand her logic, Justin let her sit up, steadying her with his hands when she almost toppled headfirst onto the floor in her haste.
    "Oh good, you're awake," Teagan smiled happily as she entered the room. "I've got breakfast. Coffee and Danish were the best I could Ebook

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