No Time to Die

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Book: No Time to Die by Kira Peikoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Peikoff
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career rested in his hands.
    â€œBut you have to realize that recklessness is not a virtue. It’s only going to get you fired.”
    She pursed her lips, still not trusting herself to speak, for the bubble of anger that was rising threatened to explode. By recklessness, she wanted to counter, you mean the pursuit of truth in this esteemed institution of higher learning?
    â€œI could take this up to the dean right now,” he continued. “I know he doesn’t have much sympathy for those who endanger the school’s well-being, no matter the cause.” He turned to gaze out the window, as if contemplating the worth of the majestic campus below. Catching his regal nose in profile, Natalie was reminded of a king surveying his empire. Then he looked back at her.
    â€œBut I’m not going to do that.”
    â€œYou’re not?”
    â€œNo.” He smiled magnanimously. “You’re a brilliant scientist, Natalie. I knew when I hired you that you were no ordinary mind, and that you’d probably go against the grain as all unconventional thinkers do. I’ve been waiting for this day to come.”
    She gaped at him, unsure if she had just imagined his words, the greatest professional compliment she’d ever received.
    â€œIt would be a real loss to let you go now,” he went on, “when your career is heading toward its prime. I’ve had you in mind for tenure all along.”
    â€œYou have?” She clutched the edge of the desk to steady herself. “What about Mitch? You’re always talking to him.”
    â€œHe’s always talking to me,” Adler corrected. “As a researcher, he doesn’t have half the vision you do.” He pointed a stern finger. “And that stays between us.”
    The affection in his eyes granted her permission to smile. “Of course.”
    â€œSo we’re going to ignore this ever happened on the condition that you immediately drop this case. Do not contact that girl. Is that understood?”
    She hesitated. “With all due respect, it would be a travesty to let her DNA go to waste. She’s over eighteen, she wants this—”
    He held up a hand. “It’s too risky right now, Natalie. You have to wait until after the courts figure out her legal status.”
    â€œThat could be years!”
    â€œThen so be it.” He stared hard at her. “The last thing the dean wants is another scandal coming out of this department, with all of us already watching our backs. Am I making myself clear?”
    There was only one correct answer. “Yes.”
    â€œSo we’re agreed?”
    She nodded forlornly, bemused at how an act of mercy and one of torture could be the same.
    â€œWhere are the files?” he asked. “Mitch said you called her doctor to get them. The receptionist left him a message.”
    A sigh of frustration escaped her. How could she have known to prevent that? Not that it mattered now. “Here,” she admitted, retrieving them from her desk drawer and handing them over.
    â€œI’ll keep them for you.” He snatched the papers and dropped them into his briefcase. “Trust me, it will be easier this way. And if you need them in five years, come talk to me.”
    Her throat tightened. She bit her tongue to prevent protest, knowing his goodwill stretched only so far. He reached out to shake hands, which she did reluctantly, and then he opened the door and left without another word. Soon after, she followed him out. There was no more work to be done tonight.
    As she locked up her office, she was surprised to see Mitch standing nearby, as if he’d been waiting for her to leave. He sidled up to her, his breath hot on her neck.
    â€œHey, assistant,” he crooned. “That was a cute little trick.”
    She glanced around the hallway. It was after five o’clock. No one else was around. Her hand burned to slap him. “What you do want,

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