No Place Like Hell
hear things around the station, things that aren't in the updates my father receives."
    "I'm not exactly 'one of the boys.' Besides, I have more important things to investigate."
    "What could be more important than stopping a crazed lunatic from committing another murder?" His voice dripped with incredulity.
    "Finding out why two hard-looking men chased you into the street the night you were hit."
    Tad's brow drew down, and he let go of my hand. "I don't remember anyone chasing me."
    I rolled my eyes. "You don't remember anything from that day. How would you know whether someone was chasing you?"
    He leaned back and put his arm behind me across the top of the bench. He watched the wave roll in without saying anything.
    "Are you in some kind of trouble?" I asked.
    That brought him up short. "What kind of question is that?"
    "Do you know two guys, one white and skinny, with a cross tattooed on the side of his neck, the other Negro, medium height, bad acne scars on his face?"
    He massaged his right temple. Sweat glistened on his forehead. "I can't think of anyone like that. They were probably drawn by the accident. You know how people like to gawk."
    "You haven't received any death threats? No one's sent you any hate mail?"
    "Despite my dad's best efforts, I'm not that famous." He gave a wry laugh. Then his eyes narrowed as he watched the waves crashing against the beach. "You seriously believe they were chasing me? I didn't just step off the curb in a moment of carelessness?"
    The news seemed to shake him more than I expected. I wanted to console him, but I couldn't find the words.
    He leaned forward, rested his forearms on his thighs, and stared at his hands. "You think you know what life's about, your place in it. And then in one moment… one decision… it's all turned upside down. You see where you went wrong, but there's so little time left to make a difference, to correct your mistakes."
    I put a hand on Tad's shoulder. "I'll protect you. I'll find those guys and make them tell me why they were after you."
    His hazel eyes met mine. "Protecting me isn't worth the effort. You need to go after the Slasher."
    I stood up and leaned against the railing to face him. "It's not my case."
    "It doesn't matter whose case it is. The Slasher has to be caught. I've seen the reports. The detectives aren't asking the right questions."
    In some ways, I had to agree that Lt. Mack didn't seem to be doing all he could to stop the Slasher—like take Sleeth off the streets. But Dave's words echoed in my mind. We were a team. We didn't cut one another off at the knees.
    "If we want a conviction, we have to follow procedures. I'd arrest Sleeth right now—"
    "That's not what I mean." Tad ran a hand over his close-cropped hair. "Answer me this: why the bookstore?"
    I didn't know, hadn't thought to ask the question.
    "It must have taken a long time to set that elaborate scene. Why didn't the alarm go off sooner? And how did Bill Decker get there in the first place?"
    "Well…" I chewed my lip.
    "See, that's exactly what I mean. Everyone is so busy crucifying Sleeth that no one's looking at the big picture." Tad rose from the bench. "But you could. Find the secretary. Ask her about Decker's appointments. Where did he go and who did he see the week before he died?"
    "You think he knew the psycho who gutted him?"
    Tad lurched back like I'd slapped him. His hand went to his mouth, and color drained from his face.
    "Sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to upset you. I should watch my mouth."
    "It's okay."
    He turned and began walking back along the pier. I fell in beside him.
    "I know your job's important to you, Nicky, but you have to find the Slasher. No one is looking in the right places. Find this person. Make Solaris safe again."
    I took a deep breath, let it out. "I'll think about it. In the meantime, I'm going to look for those two men who were at the Carlisle when you had your accident."
    "If anyone comes after me, I'll kick their ass, excuse my

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