No Place

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Book: No Place by Todd Strasser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Todd Strasser
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PRESIDENT . Three women and three men sat beside him.
    The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and some reports on various town projects. It wasn’t long before I leaned over to Meg and whispered, “Boring.”
    “It’s government,” she whispered back. “It’s supposed to be boring.”
    I wasn’t sure if she was trying to be funny, or just stating a basic fact. Either way, I was seriously considering leaving when Mayor George asked for comments about a proposal to add permanent toilet facilities to the washing area at Dignityville.
    Chair legs scraped in the middle of the crowd and Uncle Ron stood up. I’d had no idea he was there, and from the looksI caught on my parents’ faces when they swiveled to see who was speaking, it was pretty obvious they hadn’t either. I slid down in my seat to make sure they didn’t see me in the back of the room.
    “Mayor, I’d like to speak for all the residents who are sick and tired of seeing our town turned into a dumping ground for bums,” Uncle Ron began forcefully. “I’d also like to remind the council that when it approved this incredibly bad idea of turning a public park into a camp for the homeless, it did so with the understanding that it would be on a temporary basis. Now it looks more and more like you want to make it a permanent part of our community. I don’t have to tell you what this is doing to our property values and to the reputation of our town in general.”
    A bunch of people in the audience clapped, and you could see that Mayor George wasn’t happy. Meg leaned close and whispered, “This is what Aubrey’s worried about.”
    “Think you should call him?” I whispered back.
    “Maybe. Let’s see.”
    Mayor George leaned forward. “We are not trying to make it a permanent facility.”
    Mutters of disbelief and disapproval flitted through the crowd. I was starting to get the feeling that most of those attending were against Dignityville.
    “But you just said you’re planning to remove the portable restrooms and replace them with permanent toilet facilities,” Uncle Ron pointed out.
    “Strictly as a cost savings,” replied Mayor George.“It’s my understanding that the sewer lines can be easily disconnected when and if the homeless problem decreases.”
    For confirmation he glanced at the town engineer, who nodded.
    “ If the homeless problem decreases?” Uncle Ron repeated angrily. “How many times do I have to remind you that erecting that camp and now improving the facilities isn’t going to decrease the problem. It’s only going to make it worse!”
    More applause. You could feel the animosity in the crowd. It was like playing an away game at the school of our archenemies.
    “I’d like to point out that Dignityville has been open for almost four months and we’ve had no indication that anyone has moved in from another community,” the mayor replied.
    “Just wait until they hear about the improvements you’re making,” Uncle Ron shot back.
    “Yeah!” someone in the crowd agreed loudly, and other people nodded.
    Once again Mayor George leaned forward. “I’d like to remind all of you that the town council’s mandate is to act on behalf of the entire community and not just for the benefit of a few individuals like yourselves. We have a significant homeless problem here in Median and it is our responsibility to care for them while they try to get back on their feet.”
    A few people booed, and someone shouted, “If they really wanted jobs they’d either go get them or start a business!”
    “I say we have a recall vote and elect a new mayor!” yelled someone else.
    “Thank you for your opinions,” Mayor George replied tersely. “We’re going to move on to other business.”
    More grumbles of disapproval followed. His face flushed with frustration, Uncle Ron was about to sit when he saw Mom and Dad near the front. From his surprised expression, it was obvious that he’d had no idea they were there.

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