No Clue at the Inn (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery Book 13)

No Clue at the Inn (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery Book 13) by Kate Kingsbury Page B

Book: No Clue at the Inn (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery Book 13) by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kingsbury
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satisfaction, he laughed out loud. "There, you see? You are still playing with fire."
    "Then perhaps I'd better leave before I'm burned."
    "Well, before you go, I have some news for you. Samuel and Daisy arrived earlier."
    "Bax! Why on earth didn't you tell me before!" Cecily glanced at the pendulum clock on the wall behind him. "How long ago? Where are they now?"
    "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you flying out of here without putting some food in your stomach. Besides, I believe they have taken our godchildren for a walk along the beach with Mrs. Chubb and Gertie."
    "In this weather?" Cecily hurried to the door. "I do trust they wrapped up those babies warmly enough. That wind is so bitter."
    "I imagine Gertie knows how to take care of her children by now."
    She looked back at him. "We are talking about
    "Ah, yes. I see what you mean." He smiled. "Perhaps you should go after them and make sure all is well."
    "Exactly what I had in mind." She blew him a kiss. "Until later, my love."
    "Very well, and please, do try to stay out of trouble."
    If she hadn't felt so guilty about breaking her promise to him, she would have made some sharp retort. There were times when Baxter made her feel as inadequate as a juvenile. On the other hand, it was rather comforting to know he worried about her so.
    She left him frowning over his ledgers, and went in search of her special guests. After checking with the desk clerk to make sure the party hadn't yet returned, she made for the front doors.
    The clouds had thinned when she stepped outside again, and patches of blue sky promised a clear, cold evening with the nip of frost in the air.
    Apart from the holly wreaths on the hotel doors, there was little to indicate the festive season as Cecily made her way down the Esplanade. Yet the very essence of Christmas was in the air, so prevalent, yet also elusive and impossible to define. It was more a feeling, she decided. An air of expectancy, as if everyone knew something very special was forthcoming, and the whole world was full of excited anticipation.
    The dusting of snow had melted, leaving a sparkling dry pavement to walk on. Guessing that her visitors had headed toward the town, Cecily hurried in that direction, and it wasn't long before she spied the straggling group in the distance.
    The twins hopped excitedly from one side of the pavement to the other, while Mrs. Chubb did her best to restrain them from darting out into the street. Gertie and Daisy appeared to be deep in conversation, while Samuel, who looked exactly the same as he had the last time Cecily had seen him, gazed out to sea as he lagged behind the rest of the group.
    Mrs. Chubb saw Cecily first, and lifted her gloved hand in greeting. The twins rushed headlong toward her, and Cecily leaned down to catch them both in her arms. She gave the two wriggling bodies a hug, then let them go, envying them their abundance of energy.
    Daisy dipped a curtsey as she reached her and Samuel pulled off his cap. "It's lovely to see you, madam," Daisy said, her dark eyes alight with excitement in her pretty face. "I can't tell you how good it is to be back in Badgers End."
    "Yeah," Samuel agreed. "I forgot how good it smells down here. A lot different than the Smoke. You can breathe deep without choking."
    Cecily laughed. "How wonderful to see you all. Just like old times. All we need now are Doris and Ross to complete our reunion."
    "Doris will be down by the end of the week, m'm," Daisy said, grabbing hold of James, who seemed intent on climbing over the railing to the beach.
    "I want to dig in the sand!" James howled in protest.
    "Me, too. Me, too!" Lillian jumped up and down, dislodging the bright red tam-o'-shanter from her head.
    "They're tired," Mrs. Chubb said. "All this excitement is wearing them out."
    "When's Father Christmas coming?" James demanded, dragging his boots as Daisy pulled him along.
    "He don't come to naughty boys and girls," Daisy told him sternly. "So

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