Nightside 05 - Paths Not Taken

Nightside 05 - Paths Not Taken by Simon R. Green Page B

Book: Nightside 05 - Paths Not Taken by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
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going," I said. "With or without you. I need to do this. I need to know the truth."
    "Well," said Suzie, after a moment, "if you're dumb enough to do it, I guess I'm dumb enough to go along."
    "You don't have to," I said.
    "What are friends for?" said Suzie, and I don't think I've ever felt more touched.
    "And I need to see the creation of the Nightside," Tommy said quietly. "I need to see one true, definite, and incontrovertible thing. So I'm going along, too. But I'm warning you now, Taylor; if we all end up stranded in the Past, I will dedicate what remains of my life to constantly reminding you it was All Your Fault."
    "We're going," I said to Time, and he shrugged carelessly.
    "I know," he said.
    "There is a chance Walker and the Authorities will not approve of our taking this trip," I said. "Does that affect things?"
    "Walker?" said Time, arching an eyebrow. "Appalling fellow. I wouldn't piss down his throat if his heart was on fire."
    We came at last to the Waiting Room. Old Father Time asked us to wait there for him, while he checked that conditions were stable enough for our trip into the Past. I looked at him sharply.
    He waved an elegant hand dismissively. "There are always storms and flurries in the chronoflow, and strangeness and charm run wild in the lower regions. And don't even get me started on quantum foam and superpositions. Sometimes I think the dinosaurs died out just to spite me. And despite all the traps I put down, there are still things that hunt and prey in the chronoflow, living like rats in the walls of reality. Just their passing can cause currents strong enough to carry away the most prepared traveller. Are you any happier for knowing all this?"
    "Not really, no," said Tommy.
    "Then stop bothering me with questions. Make yourselves comfortable here. I'll be back when I'm back."
    He stalked out of the Waiting Room, head held high, hands clasped behind his back, as though already thinking about more important things. Suzie and Tommy and I looked at each other.
    "Did you understand even half of what he said?" Tommy asked plaintively.
    "Not even close," I said.
    Suzie shrugged. "That's why he's Old Father Time, and we're not. I never bother with the backgrounds of cases, you know that, Taylor. Just find me someone I can shoot, and I'll be happy."
    "You might want to start here," Tommy said nervously. "No-one seems at all happy to see us."
    We looked around the Waiting Room. It could have been any doctor's waiting room, right down to the outdated magazines on the coffee table, but the people waiting were a strange collection, even for the Nightside. And all of them were scowling at us. They were waiting for their trips through Time to be approved, and they were all ready to get seriously unpleasant with anyone who looked to be getting preferential treatment. Suzie glared about her, and everyone started settling down again. Some of them even pretended to be interested in the magazines. Suzie has that effect on people.
    Most of the people in Time's Waiting Room were from other time-lines, past and future. They'd arrived in the Nightside after stumbling into Timeslips, and ended up stranded here when the Timeslips collapsed. Old Father Time always did his best to find such temporal refugees a way home, but apparently it was complicated business. It took time. And so they waited in the Waiting Room, until either Time came through with the goods, or they got fed up with waiting and made new homes for themselves in the Nightside.
    There were Morlocks and Eloi, sitting at opposite ends of the room. There were knights in full plate armour, with force shields and energy lances. They politely volunteered that they came from a world where Camelot never fell, and Arthur's legacy continued. They didn't say anything about Merlin, so I thought it best not to either. There were big hairy Vikings, from a time-line where they colonized all of America, conquered the world, and the Dark Ages never ended.

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