Night of Seduction
    Siri smiled. It
was good to see TK excited about a man. Squeezing her baby
sister ’ s hand to ease her fears Siri assured her. “ You are right I would, but trust me on this you are
stunning. ”
they ’ re here. I just have to work it. ”
    “Oh, I know you
will. Come on, I ’ ll walk with
you. ”
    Kerri opened
the door to great Jason, Eric and their mother. Jason embraced
her, “ Hello Mrs. Kendrick.
    “Hi Jason,
Eric. ”
    Eric kissed her
cheek. “ Mrs. Kendrick, it ’ s good to see you
again. ”
    “Mrs. Kerri
Kendrick this is my mother Miriam Davies. ” Jason
it ’ s wonderful to meet the mother of two of the finest
men I know. Welcome to our home. ” She extended her
    “Thank you and
I agree they did turn out rather well. ” She returned
the warm smile that greeted her. She stopped and looked at Eric,
who was making his way into the kitchen. “ Where are you
going? ” Miriam asked.
    “In the
kitchen, ” he replied as if it was a foregone
conclusion. “ Don ’ t you smell that
food? ”
    “Boy, where are
you manners? I taught you better than that, ” she
    Kerri laughed
and decided she liked Miriam. There was nothing pretentious about
the woman and that pleased her. The girls coming down the steps
captured everyone ’ s attention. Kerri
turned in the direction of everyone ’ s eyes. “ It took you long enough, ” she
    “It was well
worth the wait, ” Eric murmured.
    Miriam looked
at Jason and noticed his eyes were glued to the first exquisite
young woman coming down the stairs and from the look of things she
was certain that was TeKaya. She then noticed Eric had not taken
his eyes off of the second woman as she descended the stairs.
Interesting, she thought. Jason stepped forward and took the young
woman ’ s hand as Eric stood his ground and watched the
other ’ s every move.
    “Mother, this
is TeKaya. ”
    Miriam extended
her hand. “ Well, my son was not
exaggerating. You are gorgeous. ”
    “Thank you,
it ’ s nice to meet you Mrs. Davies, ” TeKaya
said nervously.
    “My name is
Miriam. Is that band too tight on your head? ”
shoulders relaxed as she exhaled. “ Yes. ”
    “Take that
thing off and relax your brain girl. We are just here for
dinner. ”
brightly, TeKaya complied, releasing the curls to flow freely down
her back. “ Thank
you. ”
    Siri stood quietly in the background, as did
Eric, both passing glances and smiling politely.
    “This is my
sister Siri. ”
    Siri stepped
forward and extended her hand. “ Hello Mrs.
Davies. ”
    “Siri. What a
beautiful name for a beautiful woman. ”
you, ” she blushed.
    “Ahhh you are
the bashful one, ” Miriam stated as she looked in
Eric ’ s direction.
    “Guilty, ” Siri smiled. Would you all like to
have a seat while I get some refreshments? ”
    Jason and TK walked into the family room
hand in hand and took a seat on the couch. Miriam and Kerri
    “I ’ ll help
Siri, ” Eric offered and followed her to the
    Miriam and
Kerri exchanged the all-knowing motherly glance at each
other. “ Miriam, dinner is going to be a few more minutes.
Would you like to join me on the patio? ”
    “Yes, I would
like that. ” The two women walked through the
kitchen onto the patio and beyond. “ You have a wonderful
yard, Kerri. ”
    “Thank you.
I ’ m glad you could join us for
dinner. ”
    “Thank you for
inviting us. Are we through with the niceties? ” Miriam
    “I ’ m done. Mother to
mother, do you see what ’ s going
on? ” Kerri began.
do, ” Miriam sighed. So, it as I suspect. My sons are
enamored with your daughters. ”
    “TeKaya is very
open and clear on her position. She is in love with your son and
plans to spend the rest of her life with him, no questions
asked. ”
Siri? ”
    “That ’ s a hard one to call.
She ’ s very reserved and not one to speak openly about her

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