Niccolo (Blood Brothers)

Niccolo (Blood Brothers) by Eve Vaughn Page B

Book: Niccolo (Blood Brothers) by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
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Yuri was like another uncle to Jagger and one of her best friends, he made no secret of his desire to be more than friends with her. Sasha, however, didn’t want to ruin their friendship. She appreciated the fact that he seemed to accept that.
    She sighed. “I’m thinking about my son. I’m worried.”
    “He’ll be okay.”
    “How can you be so sure?” She wanted more than anything to believe him.
    “I just know. Pover’te mne . ”
    She didn’t respond. Despite his words, how could she trust him in this when her gut told her Jagger was in trouble? It was very inconvenient to not be able to use her powers when they were needed the most. Damn you, Papa!
    Yuri grasped her chin and turned her head so that their gazes locked. “I wish I could take that sad look from your eyes.”
    “Thank you, Yuri, but the only thing that will make me feel better is seeing Jagger and making sure he’s okay.”
    “I understand, but until then I have a shoulder for you to lean on.”
    He put his arm around her and she rested her head against his chest. She closed her eyes, surrendering to the comfort he offered. If only he were Niccolo.
    It was crazy for her to hold on to the hope he’d ever see her in that light when he’d made it quite plain he never would. But she had to keep telling herself it was because of the spell. She hoped he’d soon see things for the way they are, because each time he glared at her or spoke to her as if her feelings didn’t matter, a little bit of her died inside.
    The occupants of the limo were silent as it tore down the road, taking them to their destination. Finally, she felt the car come to a halt, and she lifted her head. When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring into an angry pair of amber eyes. What was he so upset about now?
    “If you are finished cuddling with your boyfriend, perhaps you’d like to get out of the car so we can find out where our son might be.” Niccolo said the words with such hostility she was rendered speechless.
    Actually, she was getting tired of this shit. He hadn’t said a word to her during the entire trip, and now he was acting this way? She didn’t bother to respond.
    Everyone got out of the limo while she took in the grand house. She turned to Romeo, not even bothering to look at the dark-haired vampire who was still glaring at her. “Where are we?”
    “This is my friend Wolf’s home. Everyone else is already inside. Knowing Dante, he’s probably wondering what the hell is taking us so long.” Romeo headed for the door.
    “Come on, Sasha.” Yuri held out his hand. She was about to take it when Niccolo grabbed her arm.
    “Sasha and I need to talk. Why don’t you go inside, Khrushchev?”
    Yuri seemed as if he wanted to protest but Sasha shook her head to tell him to stand down. He smiled at her. “Give me a shout if you need me,” he said instead and bent down to kiss her cheek. He shot Niccolo an insolent glare before following Romeo inside the house.
    Sasha knew whatever Niccolo wanted to say, she wasn’t going to like it, so she tried to put him off. “We should go in, too. The others are waiting for us.”
    “Who is Khrushchev to you?” he demanded.
    He had to be kidding. She didn’t have time for this shit. Sasha attempted to walk past him but he caught her wrist. “Let me go. I’m tired of you grabbing me like you have that right.”
    “Who the fuck is he to you?” His incisors descended in his anger and his eyes glowed.
    If she weren’t so angry herself she’d be frightened, but she was tired of him treating her like dirt one second and then pretending like he actually cared the next. “None of your damn business! How dare you demand answers from me like it is your place?”
    “You are the mother of my son and if this man has been in Jagger’s life, I want to know. Are you lovers?”
    She was tempted to slap him but knew it would further incite him. “You may be entitled to know about the goings-on in Jagger’s life,

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