Next to Forever (Never Letting Go)

Next to Forever (Never Letting Go) by S Moose Page B

Book: Next to Forever (Never Letting Go) by S Moose Read Free Book Online
Authors: S Moose
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computer, grab my purse, and head out to lunch with Sophia. When I get to the lobby, my bubbly best friend is standing there with her black stilettos and a knee length black dress with a pink cardigan. “You and your cardigans,” I giggle.
    “Don’t hate, Costella. Come on! I’m so hungry!”
    We walk a few blocks to Zedd’s and once we make it inside, the hostess leads us to a booth. She gives us a few menus and tells us that someone will be with us soon.
    “What have you been doing , girl?”
    Sophia rolls her eyes . “Really nothing. I’ve been with my dad and Sarah a lot because I hate staying home.” Adam doesn’t want Sophia working, so she’s been home since graduating. I know she hates it, but Adam won’t budge. “Sometimes I get so bored, but Adam doesn’t want me working. I tell him I can be his PA, and he laughed. He said I need to focus on me and the baby,” she states, touching her stomach and smiling.
    “I couldn’t do it. I’d be so bored. If it weren’t for you and Vander coming over and keeping me company , I would die!”
    Sophia grabs my hand . “That’s why we’re best friends! Always here for each other.”
    Our waitress comes and takes our order. We both order a salad and soup with water. I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not getting crazy cravings like you read in the magazines or books. My cravings are under control, but sometimes I’ll want ice cream with tons of chocolate syrup. Connor laughs when I told him we have to always have Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer or there’ll be hell to pay.
    Sophia and I spend the hour talking and eating. It’s so fun to be around her and vent. Connor’s been pretty anal about me being safe and taking care of myself. I know that he means well but sometimes , I just want to strangle him and tell him to fuck off. After we pay for lunch, Sophia walks me back to the office, and we plan a dinner date for the next night.
    When I get back to my computer, there are two notifications about meetings at two and four. I throw my head back and groan! These meetings are so boring and tedious , but I have to be thankful that I have this amazing job. I finish calling some of my clients and faxing some contracts over. The day goes by a little faster, and I’m glad that my day is almost over. 


Chapter Nine
    I glance over at Erin and watch her as she peacefully sleeps. Today’s her first day back at work, and I wish she’d just stay home, but she wants to go back to work. She said she’s ready. It’s been great working from home and spending time with her. She’s being more open with her feelings and telling me that I’m working too much. To be honest, I never thought she felt that way. I thought she was okay with me working and understood. I’m glad she can tell me how she feels now. Sometimes Erin puts on this strong front, but deep down inside she’s not so sure of herself. I need to make her remember how much I’m willing to do for her to make sure forever comes for us.
    Just looking at her makes me realize how lucky I am to have her. There’s no guarantee that everything will be happy for us . I’m no angel but I love her and she’s my life. I’ll do anything to make her happy and keep her safe.
    “Stop worrying.” Her eyes flutter open and a slight smile forms on her face.
    “No matter what you say, I’ll never stop worrying about you.”
    Erin jumps out of bed and starts to get ready for work. “Well, my amazingly sweet fiancé, as you can see,” she points to herself, smiling, “I’m okay!”
    “Alright, alright. I believe you.” Looking at the clock, I notice it’s almost seven in the morning. “Well , looks like you better hurry and get ready.”
    “Ah , shit!” Erin turns around and runs to the bathroom to shower and get ready.
    When I’m done getting ready, I give Erin a kiss and head out of the house and to the office. The drive is easy and quiet but my thoughts are taking over. I can’t stop

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